if whey meaning whey protein no it doesn't but consuming more then what professionals recommends then it could. i usually consume about 16 oz. 8 oz before workout and 8 after. if you take creatine then be sure to drink alot of water because creatine can damage your kidneys if you don't pee it out. to get better information look in some of the muscle magazines they give alot of information about them or just go to your local GNC and ask.
There is no scientific evidence till date to prove that there are negative effects to Whey protein.
Still, there might be several side effects of taking Whey protein:
- Whey protein is isolated from whey, which is a by-product of the cheese made from cow's milk. So, those who are allergic to lactose i.e. suffer from lactose intolerance might develop allergic reaction from it.
- It has been argued that long-term, excessive intake of protein (be it whey or any other) is associated with deterioration of the kidney function.
- Experts have also warned that excessive intake of protein might cause damage to the liver.
- Last, but not the least, too much intake of protein has been linked to osteoporosis, especially over the long-term.
The truth is excess of anything and everything is bad and the same holds true in case of Whey protein also. Moderation is the key to leading a healthy life and you should keep this in mind while consuming anything, including Whey protein.
what are the positive and negative consequences of human actions on the ocean environment
Positive consequences of deviance can include challenging societal norms and prompting social change. Negative consequences can involve ostracism, legal repercussions, and a breakdown of social order.
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The negative consequences are that the natural world become reduced. The positive consequences are that the technological advances become increased.
It can have negative legal consequences. However, consuming alcohol in moderation has never been proven to have negative health consequences for teenagers.
what are the potential negative consequences misculating drug doses? Differences between adult and pediatric patients.
The emotion anger, when not controlled, probably leads to more "negative consequences" than any other.
The reviews that Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein has received have been primarily favorable. Most notable in the negative reviews are mentions of artificial sweeteners.
Some of the negative consequences of the Roman Policy of bread and circuses is that it kept a large gap between the rich and the poor. The other negative consequences is that it stifled ambition because people did not need to work for their bread.
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The protagonist faces negative consequences as they deal with the aftermath of their decision.