find the spot with a "nipple that the recharger nozzle goes on and it should look like a oil filter that is big and has small tubes leadin out of it
Nipple piercing is not only for the look of the piercing but also for personal stimulation, once healed nipple piercings can be quite erotic and will add sensation when the right jewellery is in the piercings.
When you are going to add Freon to a Toyota Camry, you need to know which type to add. You will need to put the Freon recharging coupler to the recharging kit, and get the engine to operating temperature. When the engine is at operating temperature put the air conditioning on the lowest setting and recharge the Freon with the windows of the car rolled down.
it was invented in 1876 by will carris.
kindly advice me the telephone number of service manager LG airconditioner at noida
It contains no Freon. Freon has not been used since 1995. It contains R134a. If it needs recharging then you have a leak. It is illegal to add refrigerant to a system with a leak without first repairing the leak. As you cannot do this yourself, you need to take it to a professional for repair and recharging.
you have it; it is 1.5 tonn
recharging ac system dodge magnum
No, it is not dangerous to use a cell phone while it is recharging.
This is not a DIY job. You have neither the tools, nor the knowledge to do this correctly. You must have a leak or it would not need recharging. It is illegal to add refrigerant to a system with a leak. The leak must be repaired before the system is recharged. Take it to a professional for repair and recharging.