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4.1 mph...about

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Q: If you walk three miles in 44 minutes how many MPH would it be?
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How many miles would a person walk in 3 hours if his average pace is 15 minutes per mile?

15 minutes per mile is 4 miles per hour ( that is a fast pace). In three hours you would walk 12 miles

Carmen runs 10 miles in 75 minutes At the same rate how many miles would she run in 18 minutes?

She would run 2.4 miles in 18 minutes.

How many minutes did it take to ran 26.1 miles in three hours and thirty minutes?

three hours are 180 minutes, so it took 210 minutes

How many miles in 8 minutes?

The number of miles you would travel in 8 minutes would depend on the speed you are traveling. At 60 miles per hour, you would travel 8 miles in 8 minutes.

How many mph is 1.5 miles in 30 minutes?

Three mph

How many minutes would it take to drive 44 miles?

52 minutes

How many miles would you travel in 9 minutes at 109 miles an hour?

You would travel 16.35 miles in 9 minutes at 109mph. 109mph/60min in an hour= miles per minute x 9 minutes.

If you walk three miles in 44 minutes how many MPH would walking 2.10 a mile in 5.30 minutes be?

You would be walking at a pace of 23.8 miles per hour. This is a trick question because the first half ("If you walk three miles in 44 minutes..") is completely unrelated to the real question being "How many MPH would walking 2.10 a mile in 5.30 minutes be?" The way this answer was solved is by first finding out the fraction of hours that 5.30 minutes takes up by dividing 5.30 minutes by the number of minutes in an hour, which is 60. This gives an answer of .0883 hours. Since MPH stands for miles per hour or miles/hour, all that now needs to be done is to put 2.10 miles over .0883 hours and simplify (2.10 miles/.0883 hours). This comes out to about 23.8 miles per hour after following significant figure rules.

I you can get 15 miles in 18 minutes how many miles can we get in 54 minutes?

In 18 minutes, you can travel 15 miles. To find out how many miles you can travel in 54 minutes, you would divide 54 by 18 to get 3 (54/18=3), then multiply 15 miles by 3 to get 45 miles in 54 minutes.

How many minutes would 7 miles take while driving?

Depends on speed. At 60 miles an hour it would take 7 minutes.

How many miles would equal three miles?


How many miles would you drive at 70 mph for 30 minutes?

About 35 miles.