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An assumption in the world today is that all people from the Middle East are to be hated, due to the actions of a select few. Another would be that all blonde-haired people are dumb. A third would be that all gays and lesbians are disgusting and un-natural. I believe that that is enough on the assumption topic to get anyone started, agreed?

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Q: What is an example of an assumption in the world today?
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1. Something that is believed to be true without proof. Example: The assumption that such people have a genuine choice of schools for their children is false.2. the process of beginning to take responsibility for something as assumption of office the time when someone starts a job. Example: on his assumption of office, the premier arrested several of the ministers in the former government."assumption." Dictionary of Politics and Government.London: A&C Black, 2004. Credo Reference.

How do you make a sentence with assumption?

A sentence with assumption would involve making a statement based on a belief or supposition without concrete evidence or confirmation. For example, "Assuming it will rain tomorrow, I will bring an umbrella with me."