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The addition of 5% CO2 in tissue culture creates a more physiologically relevant environment for cell culture by maintaining the pH of the culture medium and promoting cell growth. This level of CO2 represents a balance between providing enough CO2 for cellular respiration and avoiding excessive acidification of the medium.

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Q: Why use 5 percent CO2 in tissue culture?
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It Just depends on who Built the Turbine, far-en turbines use more co2 than turbines made near you.

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Is there a difference in how to use a CO2 gun and an airsoft gun?

Well no a Co2 cun justs uses compresed Co2 intead of a spring or a batery Co2 if fairly cheap and are easy to use

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Computers use no CO2.

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Can you use CO2 with a fully automatic paintball gun?

only if it is built to handle co2. weather or not a marker can use CO2 depends on how it is built not which firing modes it has.

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they are related to air sacs because they both use specialized epithelial tissue. This tissue is only one cell layer thick.

Is there a list of which Daylilies have been propagated using tissue culture?

As far as I know, there is no list. Some daylily growers use them and some don't. Ask. And if the price is low, it is a possibility.

Does a CO2 bike pump inflate the tire with CO2 or does it only use the CO2 as a driver for pumping oxygen from an intake on the pump into the tire?

The CO2 goes into the tire.

To view live tissue which preparation would you use?

For viewing live tissue, you can use a wet mount preparation. This involves placing a small sample of the live tissue in a drop of water on a slide, covering it with a coverslip, and viewing it under a microscope. This allows for observation of the tissue in its natural state.

Can plants use as much co2 in photosynthesis as provided?

for each cycle they use 6 co2 molecules, but over time, they could use it all