There is no standard unit of measurement known as a "perch" in the metric or imperial systems. It is possible that "larcham" is a misspelling or an obscure term. Without further context or clarification, it is not possible to determine the number of perches in a larcham.
18 kulli in one larcham 1 kulli =151.25 sq.ft. 1 larcham= 2722.5 sq.ft from p. anpalagan
252 sqm
10-15 larchams
One perch is equal to 5.5 yards, which is equal to 5.5 x 0.9144 = 5.0292 metres.
A perch has two chambered heart, consisting of one atrium and one ventricle. This type of heart structure is common in many fish species.
There are three species of the perch: Percaflavescens (Yellow perch), Perca fluviatilis(European perch) and Perca schrenkii (Balkhash perch).
It is impossible to answer as given as they measure different things: a square foot is a measure of AREA; whereas a perch is a measure of LENGTH. 1 perch = ¼ chain = ¼ × 66 ft = 16½ ft 1 sq perch = 1 perch × 1 perch = 16½ ft × 16½ ft = 272¼ sq ft → 1 sq ft = 4/1089 sq perch ≈ 0.00367 sq perch.
1 perch is 1 ft X 1 Ft X 16 Ft so your answer is 16 sq ft
One or two days.
Eight fins i think.
10 square perch is 0.0625 acre.