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Q: In a paddock there are emus and wombats. if there are 52 heads and 148 feet how many emus are there?
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Do wombats have webbed feet?

Wombats do not have webbed feet. their feet are equipped with strong claws for digging, but they have no need of webbing.

What kind of gravel should you put in a horse paddock?

This depends on the size of the paddock, if it's more of a run attached to a stall then something like pea gravel is a commonly used material for them. But Sand or grass is better. If the paddock is any larger than 12 feet by 32 feet you need either grass or sand.

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Del Paddock is 5 feet 9 inches tall. He weighs 165 pounds. He bats left and throws right.

How tall are emus?

Emus grow to between 1.6 metres and 2 metres high, on average.

How high is a emu ( in feet )?

Emus grow to between 1.6 metres and 2 metres high, on average. They weigh between 30 and 45 kilograms, with the female usually slightly heavier than the male.

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16.5 acres is 718,740 square feet.

What size of paddock does a horse need?

At least half an acre. The size of the paddock will depend on how you intend to keep the horse. If you are going to use a 'drylot' system, then a horse needs a paddock around 100' x 50 to 70' (feet) in size. If the horse will be on limited grazing, then a quarter to a half acre would be better.

What are the dimensions of the Easter heads in Easter Island?

The average height of the Easter Island heads is around 13 feet, with some reaching up to 33 feet tall. The width of the heads ranges from about 6 to 13 feet.

There are 78 feet 27 heads how many pigs and chickens?

Here's a Perl script that will answer the problem for any number of heads and feet. sub how_many { print "Number of heads: "; chomp($h = ); print "Number of feet: ";chomp($f = ); $p = $h; $c = 0; while (($p*4 + $c*2) != $f) { $p--; $c++; } } &how_many; print "There are $p pigs and $c chickens.\n"; print "They have $h heads and $f feet.\n"; Number of heads: 27 Number of feet: 78 There are 12 pigs and 15 chickens. They have 27 heads and 78 feet.

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What are the release dates for Hot Heads and Cold Feet - 1915?

Hot Heads and Cold Feet - 1915 was released on: USA: 4 December 1915

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