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Q: Which birds its namerefers to a piece of paper attached to a string that is flown in the air?
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Which birds name refers to a piece of paper attached to a string that is flown in the air?

the kite

What actors and actresses appeared in All the Birds Have Flown South - 2014?

The cast of All the Birds Have Flown South - 2014 includes: Joey Lauren Adams as Tonya Dallas Roberts

Is it correct to say have flowed or have flown?

Both are correct in their own different ways. to have flowed is the past tense of to flow eg the rivers have flowed to the sea to have flown is the past tense of to fly eg the birds have flown away

What is the collective name for kites?

The collective nouns for 'kites' (birds) are:a kettle of kitesa soar of kitesa roost of kitesThere is no standard collective noun for the type of kites flown on a string.

What a light framework covered with cloth plastic or paper designed to be flown in the wind at the end of a long string?


A bird flying high in the sky?

The birds are flown high in the sky under their own power.

In the book Hatchet when Brian roasted the birds he called it the Day of the?

Brian called the day when he successfully roasted the birds "the Day of the Fool Birds" in the book Hatchet. This was because the birds had flown foolishly into his shelter, making them easy prey for him.

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Define the word 'hobby'?

An auxiliary activity. Also means the Small Old World falcon formerly trained and flown at small birds.

What can fly but has no wings?

A kite can fly without having wings. It is flown using a string that controls its movement and allows it to soar through the air.

How have birds influenced mankind?

Birds influenced mankind with the ability to fly. Mankind saw this and wanted to be like them, to soar in the clouds. If there were no birds no animal would fly. It was studying the birds that allowed people like the Wright Brothers to create the airplane. Mankind would still have liked to have flown I'm sure and we would have succeeded but birds sped up the process.

When was the first spacecraft flown?

it was flown in 2014