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The total change in depth is -144 feet.

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Q: A submarine changed its depth by -24 feet each for 6 minutes. What was the total change in depth at the end of the 6 minutes?
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The depth of a submarine under the sea means how many feet below the surface of the sea it is.

How does change in buoyancy affect the function of a submarine?

A change in buoyancy affects a submarine's ability to rise and sink in the water. By adjusting the amount of water in its ballast tanks, the submarine can control its buoyancy and depth in the water. This is essential for navigating through different depths and maintaining stability.

What A scuba driver’s depth was changed from –20 ft to –63 ft in 10 minutes. Find his average change in depth per minute?

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How deep can a submarine go?

It varies by the type of submarine. United States, Russia, United Kingdom, China, France, and India are examples of nations who have or are assumed to have nuclear submarine capabilities.For security purposes, governments don't give out full specifications on their weapons of war, especially on something as big, expensive, and instrumental as a submarine. The true depth information is classified, probably above "Top Secret". For the general US submarine fleet, the "official" answer is typically around 600 feet. (According to one Navy instructor it was changed from 400 feet when a documentary was aired accidentally showing footage of the depth meter at a depth of around that depth.)Any Navy in the world who operates a nuclear submarine is going to publish a low ballpark figure in the name of national security and secrecy. If everyone knew the exact depth a submarine could submerse to, it'd be easier to kill them. Wikipedia says a Soviet/Russian class Alpha submarine may have successfully operated at a depth of 4,300 feet. But rest assured whatever the published depth of submarine is, it many times greater than that.

Why submarine staylonger underwater?

their floating at a depth

What is the crush depth of a World War 2 submarine?

600 ft is threshhold

What is a landmine and a submarine mine?

Landmines are positioned under earth and leaves. A mine for a submarine hangs in the water below the water surface, or is ejected from a ship's deck to float down to the depth of the submarine.

How deep can a nuclear submarine go?

It varies by the type of submarine. United States, Russia, United Kingdom, China, France, and India are examples of nations who have or are assumed to have nuclear submarine capabilities.For security purposes, governments don't give out full specifications on their weapons of war, especially on something as big, expensive, and instrumental as a submarine. The true depth information is classified, probably above "Top Secret". For the general US submarine fleet, the "official" answer is typically around 600 feet. (According to one Navy instructor it was changed from 400 feet when a documentary was aired accidentally showing footage of the depth meter at a depth of around that depth.)Any Navy in the world who operates a nuclear submarine is going to publish a low ballpark figure in the name of national security and secrecy. If everyone knew the exact depth a submarine could submerse to, it'd be easier to kill them. Wikipedia says a Soviet/Russian class Alpha submarine may have successfully operated at a depth of 4,300 feet. But rest assured whatever the published depth of submarine is, it many times greater than that.