

Best Answer

The fastest is 44min

To cross in 55 min:

A and C cross first, C comes back

C and D cross next, D comes back

D and B cross last

Just be thankful that none of them are chickens or foxes

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Q: Rowing relay Never more than 2 in boat and slower person always rows Speeds in min A rows 25 B rows 2 C rows 10 D rows 5 What's the fastest all cross lake in one boat How get 55min?
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What is small rowing boat called?

The smallest rowing sweep boat (one oar per person) is a pair with 2 people, one person rowing each side. The smallest rowing sculling boat (2 oars per person) is a single, one person rowing both sides. Source: I am a rower B)

What is the name of the person that steers the rowing boat?


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it should be the cox

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What is the crew of a rowing boat called?

The person who steers the boat is called a cox, the person who sets the pace is called stroke, then the person behind is called 3 seat, the person behind 3 seat is called 2 seat and then at the back is bow.

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fix your grammar and then i will help you. *hint* a person is not a what a person is a who *hint* *hint* stop trying to be clever *hint*...they can say what is the fastest swimmer if they are asking what species. *hint* It doesn't matter if you state it as what or who, the answer will always be Chuck Norris. *hint*

What is the name of the person who steers a rowing boat?

If the boat has an oarsman...a Coxswain.

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Fastest person runs about 20.3 miles which is Usain Bolt.

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The current fastest first person shooter is called Warsow.

What is faster sculling or rowing?

Sculling boats with the same number of people are faster than Rowing (one oar) boats. However the fastest Olympic class boat is the coxed 8 (which is a rowing boat). This is because there is no 8 person sculling boat and the fastest sculling boat is the coxless quad.