A number model is a number is be multiplied,divided,subtracted,or added.
By Riyadh
what is the definition of area model
definition of nonparametric equestion?and give exampls?
go gome
Answer = A Globe is a model of the Earth.
a general pattern is a number model where variables (letters) take over the numbers. Example: n (m + 3) / 2
its when you see the table of contacts
Probability model
This is a common term within the business and sales world. A distribution model, by definition, is "the manner in which goods move from the manufacturer to the outlet where the consumer purchases them."
There is no definition or meaning attached to the term 'q3962a' however it is the model number for a HP desktop so it could be the specifications of the desktop embedded in to the code.
a round number
An original model or typical specimen.