Charts and maps are visual representation. Since you asked about statistical maps, these technically are called cartograms, and it is where the terms chart and map overlap (the same graph can be called either a map or chart). A map is a visual representation of an area-a symbolic depiction highlighting relationships between elements of that space such as objects, regions, and themes. A chart according to is: a graphic representation, as by curves, of a dependent variable, as temperature, price, etc.; graph. Wikipedia goes a bit further in defining a chart as: A chart is a visual representation of data, in which the data are represented by symbols such as bars in a bar chart or lines in a line chart.[1] A chart can represent tabular numeric data, functions or some kinds of qualitative structures. and gives a number of good examples: I can identify three places where maps and charts overlap. #1- Nautical maps are referred to as charts. #2- You will find the term "cartogram" under chart in wikipedia. A cartogram is a map, that provides some statistical information by geographical area. See: If statistical information is not presented, for example a world map showing countries, then we can not refer to it as a chart. #3 In presentations, it is common to refer to a plan as a "road map." In showing the "road map to peace", diagrams may be presented showing action to be taken, and referred to a map. They are using the term "map", in a conceptual or abstract manner, as something that help give guidance or direction. To expand on your question, in statistics, we can refer to visual representations as charts, plots, graphs and figures- these terms are very similar, and textbook authors frequently just refer to any graphical image as a figure. In presentations, all of these words are perfectly acceptable.
Charts has long been primarily used as an oceanic designation because of the additional information provided, while maps has been the designation for geographic drawings.
An atlas is a collection of maps, while an almanac is a yearly publication containing statistical and general information. A thesaurus is a book that lists synonyms and antonyms of words.
There are really no maps and charts that prove that Columbus was Chinese. This has become quite a hurdle for most historians since no authentic maps or charts exist as proof of this.
The field of study that produces maps and charts of the Earth is called cartography.
A map shows a direction or lets say a map to route 66. A chart is a piece of equipment that you use to compare data. A graph is kinda like a chart
This depends on the type of map. Cartography is the study of maps and charts. A person who studies topographical maps is called topographer.
A person who makes maps is a cartographer.The art of making maps and charts is cartography.
Someone who creates maps or charts.
the making of maps and charts
One who makes charts or maps.
in these modern maps there are accurate number of lines and continents Ancient maps had no latitude or longitude lines