Colour is a property that is not a periodic function.
The first 71 digits are: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998 There are many more; pi goes on forever.
As of October 2011, the record was ten trillion digits.
In 1805 it was declared by Alex Norburtun that the first five digits of pi are 3.1415
Absolutely! The Pis Pis River is in Nicaragua. It was named after the Pis Pis water weed which grows in it.
The digits of pi are not periodic. Pi is an irrational constant, and if its digits were periodic, it could be expressed as a ratio of constant integers, meaning it would be rational.
No. Every periodic number is rational but pi is irrational.
Pis's population is 91.
The area of Pis is 5,360,000.0 square meters.
'pis' is here a deformation of 'et puis' meaning 'and then'. 'Pis c'était comment' means 'how was it, then?'.
No, it was not. You have the story all wrong. Pis was the funny thing that you do when you laugh too hard.
tant pis - means too bad (it doesn't matter - forget it)
If you really wanted to, you could say pis del pis
To be irrational, it would have to have an infinite number of digits, without a periodic repetition.
Pis thalún