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There are continuous functions, for example f(t) = e^{t^2}, for which the integral defining the Laplace transform does not converge for any value of the Laplace variable s. So you could say that this continuous function does not have a Laplace transform.

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Q: Does every continious function has laplace transform?
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Laplace = analogue signal Fourier = digital signal Notes on comparisons between Fourier and Laplace transforms: The Laplace transform of a function is just like the Fourier transform of the same function, except for two things. The term in the exponential of a Laplace transform is a complex number instead of just an imaginary number and the lower limit of integration doesn't need to start at -∞. The exponential factor has the effect of forcing the signals to converge. That is why the Laplace transform can be applied to a broader class of signals than the Fourier transform, including exponentially growing signals. In a Fourier transform, both the signal in time domain and its spectrum in frequency domain are a one-dimensional, complex function. However, the Laplace transform of the 1D signal is a complex function defined over a two-dimensional complex plane, called the s-plane, spanned by two variables, one for the horizontal real axis and one for the vertical imaginary axis. If this 2D function is evaluated along the imaginary axis, the Laplace transform simply becomes the Fourier transform.

Which is the best transform?

A transform is chosen according to the problem. For every problem that a transform can solve, there is one best transform for that problem.

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Mew can transform into any Pokemon.And know every move.

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Every function differs from every other function. Otherwise they would not be different functions!

Every continuous function is integrible but converse is not true every integrable function is not continuous?

That's true. If a function is continuous, it's (Riemman) integrable, but the converse is not true.

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That is part of the definition of a function.

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