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To a point. Because the stream of water has more height to fall, making the flow reach a longer distance. Though; after a certain distance the Force of the pressure from the hose runs out and gravity complete control, causing the stream to fall straight towards the earth.

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Q: Does fire hydrants shoot water out further on a hill?
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What is the purpose of hydraulic multiplication?

The purpose is because the water pressure hydrauls the water and causes it to multiply to the power, therefore it makes the water stronger, making it easier to turn off the fire

What is the resolution to the cay?

he was rescued by the soldiers that saw his fire signal

What does the idiom the fat was in the fire mean?

It means a situation is becoming exciting or dangerous. Placing a piece of fat in fire will cause it to cook so quickly parts of it will turn into boiling liquid, melt through the internal structures and explode into the air. This is very hot bits of oil that can burn a person on contact.

How do you calculate fire premium?

Fire insurance premiums are determined by several factors including the age of the building, use of the building, occupancy, location, fire protection class, construction type, amount of coverage desired, fire and theft security devices and systems, and credit worthiness of the owner in most states. I may have left something out but I think that's it. We used to have to do it hand in the old days but now a computer rates multiple companies in a split second so we can give the client the best rates, service, and choices. As a matter of full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency for the past 22 years and worked as an agent for direct writers for 3 years prior to that.

What does By Then mean?

"By then" means up to that time about which speaker is speaking. "By that time" refers to an action completed at the indicated time. Example : "I ran back from across the street. By then, the house was fully on fire."

Related questions

What are the difference between hydrant and hydrant monitor?

hydrant is the sub part of fire water network from which water shall be discharged to on fire parts, and from where the hydrants gets water is the monitor, i.e from monitor water shall be distributed to hydrants.

How many fire hydrants are there in the US?

There are approximately six million fire hydrants installed in the US. The first fire hydrants, called fire plugs, were in use beginning in the 17th century.

Why are fire hydrants different colors?

the color of a fire hydrant depends on the amount of water pressure it has when used

What are fire hydrants used for?

Are you kidding? They supply water to fire hoses. You attach a fire hose and water comes out to put out a fire. Jeez... People these days.

How many fire hydrants are there in New York city?

There are over 109,000 fire hydrants in NYC.

What is the effect when people line up and wait to fetch water in fire hydrants?

The people will quarrel

Does England have fire hydrants?

I think so, Maybe

What is public protection class for Indianapolis?

The Fire Protection Class for Indianapolis, varies per township and whether or not water (fire hydrants) are close by w/i 500'

How tall are fire hydrants in North York, Ontario I'm trying to identify a suspect in security footage in that area, and he's two fire hydrants tall?


Why do firefighters need to know the rates at which water comes out of fire hydrants?

By knowing the flow rates of fire hydrants in the area, and the residual pressure, firefighters can determine the maximum fire flow available. The size of a fire determines the amount of fire flow necessary to extinguish the fire.

How many fire hydrants are there?

The number of fire hydrants varies by location, but they are typically spaced every few hundred feet along streets in urban areas. The exact number can be obtained from the local fire department or municipal authority.

What is the code for distance between fire hydrants?

The code for the distance between fire hydrants can vary depending on the jurisdiction and local regulations. Generally, fire hydrants are placed approximately 300 to 500 feet apart in urban areas and 1,000 to 1,500 feet apart in rural areas. However, it is best to consult the specific fire code or local fire department for the exact guidelines in your area.