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Gottfried Leibniz.

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Q: German mathematician who invented calculus?
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Who invented calculas?

Isaac Newton and German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz are both credited with inventing calculus

What English mathematician who discovered gravity and invented calculus?

Sir Isaac Newton. He and Leibniz both invented the calculus independently.

Who was Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibnitz and what did he invent?

he was a mathematician and he invented infinitesimal calculus and the binary system

Who is the German mathematician who invented the division sign?


Who was the German mathematician who invented divide sign?

gottfried leinbizn

Who was the German mathematician to first develop the integral and differential notations that are still used in calculus to this day?

That would be Leibniz.

How was isaac newton a scientist and a mathematician?

As a scientist, he is mainly known for the general law of gravitation, and Newton's laws of movement. As a mathematician, he basically invented calculus (so did another mathematician, Leibniz, independently of Newton).

What is the chain rule in calculus?

The chain rule, in calculus, is a formula. It allows one to compute the derivative of the composition of two or more functions. It was first used by the German mathematician Gottfried Leibniz.

Who invented the mobius strips?

August Ferdinand Möbius, a German mathematician.

Who was Isaac Newtons rival scientist?

One of Isaac Newton's rival scientists was German mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. They both independently invented calculus and had a fierce debate over who should be credited with its discovery.

What is the name of the German scientist that worked with isaac newton?

The German scientist who corresponded with Isaac Newton was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Leibniz was a mathematician and philosopher known for developing calculus independently of Newton.

Who is known as the mathematician of mathematicians?

You are probably referring to the German mathematician and scientist Carl Friedrich Gauss. He lived from 1777 to 1855; a child prodigy who was obsessed by mathematics throughout his life, he made important contributions to differential geometry, algebra, and calculus.