You can compute that once you know specific values for variables x, and n. exp n is the exponential function, or antilog to base e. On scientific calculators, you would usually press keys like "inverse" "ln", or "shift" "ln", or something similar. To check whether you did the calculation correctly, exp 1 should show you approximately 2.718.
tanh is the hyperbolic tangent and it is computed as sinh(x)/cosh(x) = [exp(x)-exp(-x)]/[exp(x)+exp(-x)] and there are other ways of computing it, including infinite series.
(3x-1) * exp(3*x) / 9
If x squared equals n, then x is the square root of n.
For n not equal to -1, it is 1/(n+1)*xn+1 while for n = -1, it is ln(|x|), the logarithm to base e.
Computed is the past tense of compute.
Factorial for number N is N x N-1 x N-2 X N- (N-1). e.g. if you need to calculate factorial for 5 then compute 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1.
(base x height) / (n+1)
By using the chain rule. Since the derivative of exp(x) is exp(x), the derivative of exp(exp(exp(x))) is exp(exp(exp(x))) times the derivative of what is inside the parentheses, i.e., exp(exp(exp(x))) times derivate of exp(exp(x)). Continue using the chain rule once more, for this expression.
It is -exp (-x) + C.
tanh is the hyperbolic tangent and it is computed as sinh(x)/cosh(x) = [exp(x)-exp(-x)]/[exp(x)+exp(-x)] and there are other ways of computing it, including infinite series.
Use the "chain rule" of differentiation: y=exp(exp(x)) taking ln both side in y=e x (1/y)dy/dx=e x dy/dx=y*e x dy/dx=exp(x+exp(x))
You can use this equation if you understand it: =a*(1+m*EXP(-x/tau))/(1+n*EXP(-x/tau)) where the a, m, n, and tau are all parameters. There is also lots of specialised software available for planning that would have the facility to do it.
(1/2)x = 2-x = exp (ln 2-x) = exp( -x ln 2). Since d/dx exp(x) = exp(x), we can use the chain rule to find that: d/dx (1/2)x = -(ln 2) exp(-x ln 2).
(1/2)x = 2-x = exp (ln 2-x) = exp( -x ln 2). Since d/dx exp(x) = exp(x), we can use the chain rule to find that: d/dx (1/2)x = -(ln 2) exp(-x ln 2).
x e^x +C
The same way that you compute it anywhere else.To find x% of Y you calculate X/Y *100.
You could just use the binomial theorem. Step through rows, n, and entries, k, and compute the Pascal's triangle value as n!/(k!*(n-k)!) You'll actually have better luck if you use the natural log of a factorial, then you can use laws of exponents to get: exp(log(n!/k!/(n-k)!)) = exp(log(n!)-log(k!)-log((n-k)!)) = exp(logfact(n)-logfact(k)-logfact(n-k)) which won't run into the integer overflow problems that a plain factorial function would have. To fill up a logfact array, something like this might work: while(i<maxn) logfact(i)=logfact(i-1)+log(i) i=i+1 Wend Be careful to initialize correctly, and watch your conversion between integers and doubles (probably have to do some rounding to your final answers).