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You must isolate the variable, for example:

If 3x + 5 = 14

you first subtract five from each side

3x + 5 = 14

- 5 - 5

which results in

3x = 9

you then divide both sides by 3

3x = 9

--- ---

3 3

so you are left with:

x = 3

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Q: How do you solve equations with two variables?
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You need two independent linear equations to solve for two unknown variables.

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This equation is incomplete, and to solve for two variables, you need two equations. So there is no "answer" for this.

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You need as many equations as you have variables.

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If you know matrix algebra, the process is simply to find the inverse for the matrix of coefficients and apply that to the vector of answers. If you don't: You solve these in the same way as you would solve a pair of simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns - either by substitution or elimination. For example, change the subject of one of the equations to express one of the variables in terms of the other two. Substitute this value into the other two equations. When simplified, you will have two linear equations in two variables.

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By substitution or elimination of one of the variables which usually involves simultaneous or straight line equations.

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Assuming the simplest case of two equations in two variable: solve one of the equations for one of the variables. Substitute the value found for the variable in all places in which the variable appears in the second equation. Solve the resulting equation. This will give you the value of one of the variables. Finally, replace this value in one of the original equations, and solve, to find the other variable.

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I have never seen the term 'symbolic' used in this way. There are 4 methods used to solve a system of linear equations in two variables. Graphing, Substitution, Elimination, and Cramer's Rule.

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There isn't a universal way to do this, just like there isn't a universal way to solve nonlinear equations in one variable. A good place to start, however, would be to attempt to solve an equation for one of the variables, in terms of the other two. If you substitute that into the other equations, you will then have a system of two equations in two variables. Do this again, and you'll have a single variable equation that you'll hopefully know how to solve.

Translate this word problem as a system of equations and then solve using substitution?

A system of equations is two or more equations that share at least one variable. Once you have determined your equations, solve for one of the variables and substitute in that solution to the other equation.

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The answer is that it cannot be done. To solve a set of equations in k variables (in this case, 2) you need at least two independent equations.

How do you solve this equation 2y-6x equals 10?

To solve for two unknown variables (x and y) you need two independent equations, one is not enough.

What is -8t - 11x?

It is a linear expression in two variables. As an expression it cannot be solved. Furthermore, to solve equations in two variables you need at least two linear equations.