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To count one billion objects, it would take you however long it takes to count one object times one billion. It does not matter how much mass the object has, so your statement of mass is meaningless.

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Q: How long would it take to count one billions objects weighed 0.00000001 gram?
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How long would it take to count to 4.6 billion?

Do you think it might depend on how fast you count huh do ya ? If you count one every second and never stop, it would take almost 146 years.

How long does it take to count to one sextillion?

Well, honey, if you're counting one number per second without any breaks, it would take you about 31.7 trillion years to count to one sextillion. So, grab a comfy chair, a good book, and maybe a snack because you'll be at it for a while. Good luck with that counting marathon!

How long would it take to count to 13 trillion?

I actually like this question. I'm going to time how long it takes me to count from 999,999,999,991 to 1,000,000,000,000. It took about 38 sec.Now I'll subtract 100,000,000,000 from 1,000,000,000,000 = 900,000,000,000If it took me 38 seconds to count 10 numbers, it will take me 9E11*38s/10 to count from 100,000,000,000 to one trillion = 3.42E12sNow I'll do the same above for 99,999,999,991 to 100,000,000,000: 30 secSo it would take me 9E10*30/10 to count the above interval = 2.7E11sAs you keep doing this method for lower and lower orders of magnitude the time becomes negligible, so I'm just going to add the first two numbers together.3.42E12+2.7E11= 3.69E12So it'll roughly take you 3,690,000,000,000 sec = 61,500,000,000 min = 1,025,000,000 hours = 42,700,000 days = 117,000 years.Better start now!EDIT!Wow, I read the question wrong. Well, now you know how long it takes to count to 1 trillion, I don't feel like going up to 13 trillion!

How long would it take to count a million dollar one dollar per second?

One million seconds, which is about 11.5740741 days.

How long would it take to count a million dollars worth of pennies?

about a year or i may calculate wrong and its more than a human will liive

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We don't have a complete count, but we know that it's at least in the billions.

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No one has kept count. You could guess billions.

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Figure 1000 billions make a trillion. So if you count by tens, it's only 100 of the 10billions that make a trillion.

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Hundreds of thousands, if not more. Count the computer that controls it, billions.

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in math counters are objects that help you count

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more than you can possibly count.......... it 's probably Trillions of BILLIONS!!! :)

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If you count from passing on infections and diseases it must be many billions by now.

How many Mcdonald's hamburgers are sold each day throughout the world?

There is no way to know this. All documents are internal. The last count that was released to the public is where they got their "billions and billions" slogan in the 1970's.

How many stars are in outer space and the universe?

There is no real count because new stars are created from time to time. There are BILLIONS AND BILLIONS (as Carl Sagan might have said). There are billions of stars in our Galaxy and there are billions of galaxies. We don't have a very precise total. The usual estimate is: at least ten thousand billion billion. That's 1022 in scientific notation.