it is called "element"
Alternatively, it stands for "exponential", or "exponent". The letter "e" is used in a similar way to "pi", in representing a number. "e" is the number 2.71..., used in exponential functions.
T in the metric unit of weight is ton.
Yes calculus is a type of math that deals with the study of continuously changing quantities.
It is used to tell time. Pay bills. Exercise. Cook. We are constantly using math.
Math is fundamental in medicine mainly because of the fact that most things in biology can be calculated with math, such as growth rates and statistics. Calculus is just a core class to provide a foundation to other math courses.
Complex analysis.
"e" might stand for a variable depending on a question.
A letter in math can stand for any number
Math is an abbreviation of mathematics: it is not an acronym. So the h does not stand for anything!
E is a variable which either has a value that you need to find, or is being used with an assigned value or replacement set so that you can save writing. For example, in E=mc2, E equals energy.
It means K C F or Keep Change Flip with fractions when multiplying E H I E A L P N P G E
the letter L can stand for a variable.
"e" is known as EULER'S NUMBER."e" is the sum of an infinite geometric series = 1 + 1/1! + 1/2! + 1/3! + 1/4! ........ = approx 2.718Read more: In_math_what_does_e_stand_for