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Q: Kerja projek matematik tambahan price index?
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Which day of the month does the RPI come out?

The Restaurant Performance Index (RPI) comes out on the last business day of each month. The Index started in 2002, in order to tracks the health of and the outlook for the U.S. restaurant industry.

Can is the function of a CPI calculator?

A CPI calculator calculates inflation, it utilizes the Consumer Price Index, which is a tool for monitoring the changes in costs of household items, thus tracking inflation.

How do you calculate a cap weighted index?

A Market Cap weighted index is calculated a lot like a school teacher weighs grades. Example: Quiz: 20% Homework: 20% Final Paper: 60% So if you got a 80% on your quiz, a 90% on your homework and a 70% on your final your grade would be: 80(.2)+90(.2)+70(.6)= 76% (as compared to 80% without weight) So for a weighted market cap index if you have 3 companies A, B, and C, and each is a different size, then the idea is the largest companies have the largest effect on the total "weighted" result. Conversely the smaller companies will have a smaler effect; in much the same way that your homework matters less than your final in our imaginary school.

What is the difference between cpi and cgpa?

The difference is that a CGPA is a Cumulative Grade Point Average. A CPI is a Consumer Price Index. One is a grading system, and one is a financial concept.

Have many kg do you have to be over to be fat?

Being "fat" is dependent on your body mass index, which is calculated by a combination of your height and weight. For example if you are 1.6 meters tall (about 5'4"), beginning at 65.9 kg (about 145 pounds) you are overweight. This is generally speaking, it also depends on your body type and muscle/fat ratio.