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Q: Two gliders with the initial velocities and masses shown below hit each other in a perfectly elastic collision (elasticity 1.0). What will be the velocity of glider 1 after the collision 1.50 ms -5.50?
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Difference between turbulent flow and streamlined flow?

Streamline flow:The flow of a fluid is said to be streamline (also known as steady flow or laminar flow), if every particle of the fluid follows exactly the path of its preceding particle and has the same velocity as that of its preceding particle when crossing a fixed point of reference.Turbulent flow:The flow of a fluid is said to be turbulent or disorderly, if its velocity is greater than its critical velocity. Critical velocity of a fluid is that velocity up to which the fluid flow is streamlined and above which its flow becomes turbulent. When the velocity of a fluid exceeds the critical velocity, the paths and velocities of the fluid particles begin to change continuously and haphazardly. The flow loses all its orderliness and is called turbulent flow.

What physical property does the slope of a velocity time graph represent?


If final velocity is greater than initial velocity an object is?

Accelerating...or was accelerating.

How will the final velocity be greater then the initial velocity?

It doesn't necessarily mean that the final velocity is always greater than the initial, if the initial velocity was at rest or 0 m/s then any form of movement would be greater. In cases where the final is smaller is like running into a wall or a decrease in acceleration.

What is the velocity for a baseball ball rolling on grass?

It depends on the initial velocity, and it also depends on time, because the friction of the grass will slow the baseball down.

Related questions

Two gliders with the initial velocities and masses shown below hit each other in a perfectly elastic collision (elasticity 1.0). What will be the velocity of glider 2 after the collision 0.0 ms 2.0 ms?

After the collision, the velocities of the two gliders will swap, so glider 2 will have a velocity of 0.0 m/s. This is because the two gliders have the same mass, so they will exchange velocities in the collision.

Two gliders with the initial velocities and masses shown below hit each other in a perfectly elastic collision (elasticity 1.0). What will be the velocity of glider 1 after the collision?

To determine the velocity of glider 1 after the collision, you would need to use the conservation of momentum principle. This involves setting up equations to account for the initial momentum and final momentum of the system. Given the initial velocities and masses of both gliders, you can calculate the velocity of glider 1 after the collision using the conservation of momentum equation: m1v1_initial + m2v2_initial = m1v1_final + m2v2_final.

Two balls a and b are moving towards each other with speeds 5ms and 2ms respectively. what will be the velocity of a just after a perfectly inelastic head-on collision?

In a perfectly inelastic collision, the two objects stick together after the collision. The velocity of the objects after collision will be a weighted average of their initial velocities based on their masses. The velocity of ball a after collision can be calculated using the formula: (m1 * v1 + m2 * v2) / (m1 + m2), where v1 and v2 are the initial velocities of balls a and b, and m1 and m2 are the masses of balls a and b respectively.

If two gliders of equal mass and equal and opposite initial velocity collide perfectly elastically what are the final velocities of the gliders in terms of the initial velocities?

The final velocities of the gliders after a perfectly elastic collision will also be equal and opposite to their initial velocities. This is due to the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy in elastic collisions.

How do you calculate velocity after perfectly collision?

To calculate the velocity after a perfectly elastic collision, you need to apply the principle of conservation of momentum and kinetic energy. First, find the initial momentum of the system before the collision by adding the momenta of the objects involved. Then, find the final momentum after the collision by equating it to the initial momentum. Next, solve for the final velocities of the objects by dividing the final momentum by their respective masses. Finally, make sure to check if the kinetic energy is conserved by comparing the initial and final kinetic energy values.

Which type of collision occurs when a baseball bat hits a baseball?

The collision between a baseball bat and a baseball is an inelastic collision, where kinetic energy is not conserved but momentum is. The bat imparts momentum to the ball, causing it to move in the direction of the swing.

How do you calculate the resultant velocity of two velocities in the same direction.?

To calculate the resultant velocity of two velocities in the same direction, simply add the two velocities together. The resultant velocity will be the sum of the individual velocities.

If m1 is 2kg and sticks to m2 which is 1kg after the collision what is the velocity of the combined mass immediately after impact?

We know that momentum is conserved, so we'd have no trouble answering that question if you had just told us what their velocities were before the collision.

What is the formula for speed after collision?

One common formula for calculating speed after a collision is the conservation of momentum equation: m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1 + m2)v, where m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects involved, v1 and v2 are their initial velocities, and v is the final velocity after the collision.

What velocity do you get when you combine all the velocities?

When combining velocities in the same direction, you simply add them together. For velocities in opposite directions, you subtract them. The resulting velocity will depend on the direction and magnitudes of the individual velocities being combined.

What is the combining of velocities known as?

The combining of velocities is known as velocity addition or relative velocity. It involves adding or subtracting the velocities of two objects moving relative to each other.

How can you calculate the resulant velcity of two velocities in the same direction?

To calculate the resultant velocity of two velocities in the same direction, simply add the magnitudes of the two velocities together. The direction of the resultant velocity will be the same as the two original velocities.