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p orbitals

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Q: What are a set of orbitals that are dumbbell shape and directly along the y x and z axis?
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Which orbital has dumbbell shape?

P-orbitals have dumbbell shape.their X & Y orientation is same as the X & Y coordinate axis and that of Z is represented making 45 degree to X and Y

What is the shape of the 3p atomic orbital?

Dumbell, all p orbitals are dumbell shaped. S are spherical and d orbitals are double dumbelled.

How can you describe the shape of a p-orbital?

The shape and spatial orientation of the p orbitals in an atom can be remembered by calling it the peanut orbital. The shape of a p orbital is peanut shaped and can be oriented on the x, y, or z axes.

Dumbbell describes this orbital shape?


What is the shape of atom orbit?

The "s" orbital is circular; the "p" orbital is shaped like a dumbell. The "d" orbitals are like a double dumbell, though the dz2 sub orbital is like a dumbell with an annulus around it. Finally, the f orbital are much more complex. They are like a quadruple dumbell with the lobes pointing towards the 8 corners of a cube.

What is a orbitals shape?


What shape are p orbitals?

It is shaped like a dumbell but has two lobes rather than 1.

What is Nitrogens molecular shape?

N2 ,molecular nitrogen, is a linear molecule with a dumbbell shape.

Shape of sublevels?

's' orbitals are spherical. 'p' orbitals are peanut shaped. 'd' orbitals are like two 'p' orbitals crossing each other. and 'f' orbitals...well there are a ton of shapes that they can chem teacher just describes them as weird

Suppose you could see a 2s subshell and a 2p subshell. How could you tell them apart?

You can differentiate between a 2s and a 2p subshell based on their shape. The 2s subshell is spherically symmetric and has one orbital. On the other hand, the 2p subshell has a dumbbell shape and consists of three orbitals: px, py, and pz, each oriented along separate axes.

What are the four orbitals called in an atom?

Answer: s, p, d, and f -orbitals, differing in 'shape'.

Is this true or false the electron probability cloud for atomic orbitals are spherical in shape?

It is true only for s-orbital which is spherical in shape. p-, f- and d- orbitals are not spherical in shape.