Oh, dude, derivatives of legatus would include legati (plural), legato (singular), and legation (the act of being a legate). It's like the legatus family tree, but with fancy Latin names. So, next time you're at a toga party, you can impress everyone with your knowledge of legatus derivatives.
derivatives are the functions required to find the turning point of curve
They are derivatives with respect to measures in space: normally length, area or volume.
The derivative is the inverse of the integral. ∫ f'(x) dx = f(x) + C
The rules of derivatives are composed by the findings of 17th century scientists and mathematicians, Sir Isaac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz.
Conus legatus was created in 1810.
"Legatus" is a Latin word that means "envoy" or "ambassador." In ancient Rome, a legatus was a high-ranking military officer appointed by the emperor to command a legion or lead a diplomatic mission.
The leader of a Roman legion was called a "legatus".
deputy, ambassador
Legatus, Legati, m.
The leader of a Roman legion was called a "legatus".
A legatus or legate was a General in the Roman army.
The Latin word for "one who is sent" is "legatus."
what is derivatives in banking
this site has info/formulas about derivatives and limits: http://www.scribd.com/doc/14243701/Calculus-Derivatives-Formula
The ambassadors of the Vatican to other countries are usually called nuncios. The six highest ranks of diplomatic representatives of the Vatican are: legatus a latere nuncio with full powers of a legatus a latere legate nuncio of the first class nuncio of the second class internuncio