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Equilateral, isosceles, scalene and right angle triangles.

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Q: What are the classification of triangles?
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How do you classify triangles by their sides and br their angles?

Classification of triangles by their sides:equilateral = 3 sides are equalisosceles = 2 sides are equalscalene =no equal sideClassification of triangles by their angles:acute = the 3 angles are less less than 90 degreesright = it has an angle which is 90 degreesobtuse = it has an angle which is more than 90 degrees

Classification of triangle?

Classification of triangles according to sides: -Scalene Triangle - a triangle with no 2 congruent sides. -Isosceles Triangle - a triangle with at least 2 congruent sides. -Equilateral Triangle - a triangle with 3 congruent sides. Classification of triangles according to angles: -acute triangle - a triangle with 3 acute angles. -right triangle - a triangle with one right angle. -equiangular triangle - a triangle with 3 congruent angles. -obtuse triangle - a triangle with one obtuse angle.

Are some isosceles triangles equilateral triangles?

All isosceles triangles are not equilateral triangles

Some equilateral triangles are not isosceles?

All isosceles triangles are not equilateral triangles

How can you classify triangles by their angles?

Triangles may be right triangles equilateral triangles acute or obtuse triangles

What is triangle x 27?

27 triangles.27 triangles.27 triangles.27 triangles.

Are all equilateral triangles acute triangles?

Yes all equilateral triangles are acute triangles, but not all acute triangle are equilateral triangles.

What traingle don't have a right angle?

Triangles without right angles are:- Scalene triangles Obtuse triangles Isosceles triangles Equilateral triangles

How many triangles are in 1 triangles?

there are 27 triangles in a triangle

What is the significance of the triangle spectrum in the field of geometry and how does it relate to other geometric shapes?

The triangle spectrum is important in geometry because it helps classify triangles based on their angles and sides. This classification system allows us to better understand the properties and relationships of different types of triangles. Additionally, the triangle spectrum can be used to compare and contrast triangles with other geometric shapes, such as quadrilaterals and circles, to identify similarities and differences in their characteristics.

Are Triangles equilateral triangles?

Triangles are equilateral triangles only when all of their 3 sides are equal in lengths.

Classification of angles according to sides?

Triangles can be classified either according to their sides or according to their angles. All of each may be of different or the same sizes; any two sides or angles may be of the same size; there may be one distinctive angle. Classification by sides includes equilateral, isosceles, and scalene.