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Q: What if your light truck weighs 3500 kg a gentle slope that is 0.5 km long. at the top of the slope you are 200 m higher in elevation than when you started. assuming on friction what force has your en?
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What if your truck weighs 3'500kg you drive gentle slope is 05km long at the top slope you are 200m higher in elevation when you started assuming no friction what force you engine drove up?


What if your truck weighs 3500 kg you drive up a gentle slope that is 5kg long At the top of the slope you are 200m higher in elevation then when you started with no friction what was the force?

14000N is the correct answer

A light truck weighs 3500kg you drive up a gentle slope 0.5km long at the top ofslope you are 200 m higher in elevation than when you stated assuming no friction what force has your engine exerted to?


What if your light truck weighs 3500 kg you drive up a gentel slope that is 0.5 km long at the top of the slope you are 200 m higher in elevation than when you started assuming no friction what force?

Assuming the truck maintained a constant speed up the slope, the work done to raise the truck's elevation against gravity would be equal to the gain in its potential energy. The force required to perform this work would be the component of the truck's weight parallel to the slope, which can be calculated using trigonometry.

Truck weighs 3500 kg you drive up a gentle slope that is 0.5 km long at top you are 200 m higher assuming no friction what force has your engine exerted to drive up the slope?

Answer is 14000N.

Gentle rolling landforms between 100 and 600 high in elevation?

100 and 600 WHAT?

Why do you think gentle slopes are shown with more widely spaced lines than steeps slopes are?

Contour lines on a on a topographic map indicate elevations. Since elevation changes gently on gentle slopes the contour lines are further apart. Elevation changes rapidly on a steep slope so the contour lines are closer together.

What kind of topography does contour lines that are far apart indicate?

Contour lines that are far apart indicate a gentle slope. Because contour lines connect points with the same elevation, wide spacing indicates that the elevation is not changing drastically.

How can the friction in a water slide be re?

Friction on a water slide can be reduced by using smoother materials for the slide surface, adding water to the slide to create a slippery layer, or applying a lubricant to the slide surface. Additionally, designing the slide with a gentle slope can help minimize friction.

What does it mean when the contour lines are father apart?

When contour lines are farther apart, it indicates a gentle slope or gradual change in elevation in the terrain. This means the change in elevation over a given distance is more gradual.

How do you get dressed without friction?

You can reduce friction when getting dressed by wearing loose-fitting clothes, using fabric softener or lotion on your skin, and choosing seamless garments to minimize rubbing against your skin. Taking your time and being gentle while putting on clothes can also help decrease friction.

What is a high and low slope?

A high slope refers to a steep incline, meaning the elevation increases quickly over a short horizontal distance. A low slope, on the other hand, indicates a gentle incline with a gradual increase in elevation over a longer horizontal distance.