try to divide both numerator and denominator by a number until both numbers are not decimals. example: 2/4 can be simplified to 1/2 by dividing by 2
5x-8 + 7x 12x-8 12x = 8 x = 8/12 x= 2/3
Do you mean: - x / (x2 - 1)? If so, that's as simplified as you can get. (- x / x2) - 1? If so, that simplifies to (-1/x) - 1. (-x/x)2 - 1? If so, that simplifies to 0. -(x/x)2 - 1? If so, that simplifies to -2. Or perhaps that dash in the question is actually a hyphen, in which case: x / (x2 - 1)? If so, that's also as simplified as you can get. (x / x2) - 1? If so, that simplifies to (1/x) - 1. (x/x)2 - 1? If so, that simplifies to 0.
2.1 = 21/10 which cannot be simplified.
8/12 simplified is 2/3
Six twelfths is written 6/12 which can be simplified to 1/2. 1/2 is 50%
The answer is 1.
18/12 = 9/6 = 3/2
4 and 8/12 = 4 and 2/3 simplified
Yes. When three twelfths is simplified, the answer is one fourth.
10/12 is 5/6 as a simplified fraction
11/12 cannot be simplified - because 11 is a primenumber.
Two thirds.