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It is the opposite of a statement...kinda... It is used in if then statements. Let me explain: Statement: If cardinals are red, then a dog is a cardinal. The contrapositive of that statement would be: If a dog is not a cardinal, then it is not red. Notice how you switch the order of if and then in the sentence. Then you insert the nots. To make the sentence true of false. I took geometry a while ago, sot his may not be accurate, but I hoped it helped!

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Q: What is contrapositive?
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What is the law of contrapositive?

If p->q, then the law of the contrapositive is that not q -> not p

What part of speech is the word contrapositive?

The word contrapositive is a noun. The plural noun is contrapositives.

Is a contrapositive statement true?

If a conditional statement is true, then so is its contrapositive. (And if its contrapositive is not true, then the statement is not true).

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The converse of an inverse is the contrapositive, which is logically equivalent to the original conditional.

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The contrapositive would be: If it is not an isosceles triangle then it is not an equilateral triangle.

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If a figure is not a triangle then it does not have three sides ,is the contrapositive of the statement given in the question.

What is contrapositive in math?

A contrapositive means that if a statement is true, than the characteristics also pertains to the other variable as well.

What is converse inverse and contrapositive?

if the statement is : if p then q converse: if q then p inverse: if not p then not q contrapositive: if not q then not

What does contrapositive of a statement mean?

The statement "All red objects have color" can be expressed as " If an object is red, it has a color. The contrapositive is "If an object does not have color, then it is not red."

What does the word contrapositive mean in math?

"contrapositive" refers to negating the terms of a statement and reversing the direction of inference. It is used in proofs. An example makes it easier to understand: "if A is an integer, then it is a rational number". The contrapositive would be "if A is not a rational number, then it cannot be an integer". The general form, then, given "if A, then B", is "if not B, then not A". Proving the contrapositive generally proves the original statement as well.

What is the contrapositive of the contrapositive?

Given two propositions, p and q, start out with p implies q. For example if a number is even it is a multiple of 2. So we are saying even implies multiple of 2. Now the contrapositive is not p implies not q so if a number is not even it is not a multiple of 2. Or if not p then not q. The contrapositive of the contrapositive would negate a negation so that would make it positive. If not (not p) then not(not q) or in other words, you are back where you started, p implies q.

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