A monolithic integrated circuit is a collection of interconnected electronic devices (transistors, diodes, resistors and capacitors) all formed on the surface of a single pieceof a semiconductor crystal (usually silicon). "Monolith" means "one rock".
Tapered integration is partial integration and not full vertical integration. Therefore tapered integration is when a firm both makes and buys similar products or services.
Integration means the mixing of 2 things, in America the races are finally integrated bygiving black people equal opportunity
Workday Integration is a cloud-based complete integration for Platform-as-a-service (PaaS) that helps in developing, deploying, and managing integrations across Workday. Learn Workday Integration with IT Guru live experts in a practical way. ITGuru Workday Integration Online Training provides you the best knowledge on Workday Integration in-depth and its different aspects through expert’s voice online. It is the best solution for balancing high-security standards. ITGuru Workday Online Integration Course makes you master in the overall course. It mainly consists of report writer, use and preparation of different reports, sharing reports, data sources, calculates fields, EIB, connectors, and so on. Our Workday Online Integration Course Hyderabad will provide you a way to become a Certified Workday Professional. Join hands with ITGuru for the changing world of finance, and other fields through various integrations @ Workday Online Integration Course in India. Here you will come to know how to manage and customize various datasets in an online environment. ITGuru gives the best practical insights at Workday Online Integration Course India where aspirants will come to know how ERP cloud brings all the features at a single place for ease of business. You can get more practical knowledge by getting into ITGuru Workday Integration Course. Learn all features of core subjects throughout the course practically with live instances. Workday Integration Training from ITGuru will help you much in your career.
Social integration, in sociology and other social sciences, is the movement of minority groups such as ethnic minorities, refugees and underprivileged sections of a society into the mainstream of societies.
The antonym of "dichotomy" is "unity" or "integration," which refers to the concept of combining or unifying elements rather than dividing them into two distinct parts.
I go to a monolithic church, the largest in the city.
adj.Constituting a monolith: a monolithic sculpture.Massive, solid, and uniform: the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture.Constituting or acting as a single, often rigid, uniform whole: a monolithic worldwide movement.monolithically mon'o·lith'i·cal·ly adv.
The monolithic structure known as Stonehenge is thought to be a sun calendar.
A monolithic dome is a curving, half-spherical structure supported indepedently of surrounding architecture. The former gives it a dome-like quality, and its free-standing nature designates it as 'monolithic'.
Cro-Monolithic Remixes for an Iron Age was created in 2004.
A monolithic is better than a geodesic dome home. A monolithic dome home is more cost effective and energy efficient. It can also withstand disasters better.
A monolithic entity is a type of integrated circuit used in electrical engineering. It has both active and passive devices.
Monolithic materials are inflatable structures. They are composed of nylon coated with PVC. They can also be polyester based. The standard form of a monolithic structure is a dome. These domes can be used for any structural purpose or design.