The common logarithm (base 10) of 2346 is 3.37. The natural logarithm (base e) is 7.76.
ln(x) is the natural logarithm of x (also known as logarithm to the base e, where e is approximately 2.718).
That refers to the logarithm function. Since the base is not specified, the meaning is not entirely clear; it may or may not refer to the logarithm base 10.
0000001 000011111 0001110 0000001 000011111 0001110 0000001 000011111 0001110 0000001 000011111 0001110 0000001 000011111 0001110 0000001 000011111 0001110 0000001 000011111 0001110 0000001 000011111 000000001 000011111 000111001110
0000001=1=10^0 .0000001=10^-7
1 erg
10 to the power of -8
The natural logarithm is the logarithm having base e, whereThe common logarithm is the logarithm to base 10.You can probably find both definitions in wikipedia.
.0000001 cents
Yea try 0000001
one The leading zeroes have no effect on the number.
zero thousand point one
whats is the mantissa of logarithm
anti logarithm