averigualo... idiota
A book to introduce engineering and physics students to areas of math that seem to be most important in relation to practical problems. Book was first published in 1962 - so it is a bit out of date - and has had several reprints. Erwin Kreyszig (Jan 6, 1922 - December 12, 2008) was Professor of at Ohio State University, later moved to Carleton University in Ottawa). The book covers: Ordinary Differential Equations; Ordinary Linear Differential Equations; Power Series Solutions of Diff. Equations; Laplace Transform; Vector Analysis; Line and Surface Integrals; Systems of Linear Equations; Fourier Series and Integrals; Partial Differential Equations; Complex analytic Functions; Conformal Mapping; Complex Integrals; and so on. A very useful book when I did my engineering, though it must be out of date now. GSC
well, by definition, a math equation is something along the lines of y=x, where either y or x can be anything, including functions or non functions. so really you could just make up anything as an equation, which means there really isn't a math equation that is the longest. for example, i could say y=x^3 +2x^2+4x+2.5x^(1/2)+cuberoot(34x^2)... yadda yadda yadda, and it would be an equation. basically there is an infinite number of terms you could have in an equation.a more suitable question would be to ask,"what is the longest applicable math equation?", which i think you probably meant in the first place. just be weary about how you use the word "equation."as for the longest applicable math equation, look at things like Nordstrand's Weird Surface, or in general, Integral Transforms are quite lengthy. applicable equations don't necessarily have to be very long to be complicated.
Yes calculus is a type of math that deals with the study of continuously changing quantities.
There are several options. 3*(2 + 7 - 1!) + √99! * 0 = 24
It is convenient for different people to agree on the standard order of operations. This saves complicated explanations.
There are too many to list. In algebra, there is factoring, graphing, solving equations of 1 variable, solving equations of 2 variables, all operations with variables (addition, subtraction, mult, div, exponentials, etc) and more. And that is just algebra.
BEDMAS is a way to remember order of operations in math it stands for brackets,equations,division,multiplication,addition,and subtraction.
Most of the engineering classes are dependant on math knowledge; especially the solving of differential equations.
In math, the Commutative Property refers to operations in which the order of the numbers being operated on does not matter. Multiplication and addition are commutative operations, which may be demonstrated by the algebraic equations "ab = ba" and "a + b = b + a", respectively.
They use many complex equations and do a lot of problem solving.
We do not do your homework for you because that would be cheating.
You do it wrong. With out order of operations, the same math problem could have several different answers. In math, there is only one answer.
I want to know [what is the order of operations in math?]
In the realm of mathematics, equations encapsulate the relationships between various quantities. These equations are derived using rigorous calculations and utilize mathematical operators and functions. When solving these equations, it is crucial to apply logical reasoning and mathematical principles, such as the order of operations and the properties of numbers. With precision and accuracy, mathematicians uncover profound insights and unveil the beauty and elegance of numbers.