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The term calculus comes directly from Latin. In Latin a calculus (noun) is a small stone used for counting, much like the beads on an abacus. One of the fundamental uses for modern calculus is integration, which is of course addition of infinitely small sections.

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Where did the word algebra and calculus came from?

algebra - arabic, calculus - latin

Do you need precalculus to be successful in calculus?

yes. as the name implies, pre-calculus is essential in Calculus. Much of the trigonometry and the ideas will carry into the carious Calculus classes.

What is first trigonometry or calculus?

Trigonometry came first thousands of years ago. Calculus was only discovered several hundered years ago.

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A Calculus

What is another name for Calculus?


Is calculus a name for a straight line?

No. Calculus is a branch of mathematics. Or a concretion of minerals - often in the kidney.

What is the other name of trigonometry?

geometry 2, or pre-calculus

Scholar name for Proportional-Integral-Derivative method?

It is a one word name ; 'Calculus'.

What mathmatician created calculus?

Calculus was invented simultaneously and independently by Newton and Leibniz. Calculus was originally created to solve problems in physics, namely the tangent line problem, and at its creation, many mathematicians were worried about its methods since it seemed that one needed to divide by zero to get the desired results. It was not until the formal definition of limits came into being that these worries about calculus were allayed.

Is math analysis easier than calculus?

Some high schools have a class called "math analysis" which is before calculus, so yes. To mathematicians, however, "analysis" is a synonym for "modern" calculus, and as such, there are classes usu. taught at universities with a similar name, but far beyond basic calculus.

What is the scientific name for kidney stone?

The scientific name for kidney stones is nephrolithiasis.

Which is harder calculus or applied calculus?

Calculus; by a long shot.