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as in "lithograph", "lithosphere", "nephrolithotomy"

or "petro-"

as in "petroleum", "petrify", "petroglyph".

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What is the plural form of calculus?

There are several meanings to the word 'calculus.' The plural for calculus is 'calculi.' There is no plural for the calculus we use in mathematics.

How can do a project about integral calculus?

Before you can do a project on any subject you need to understand that subject.Integral calculus is a 'higher' form of mathematics, if you are asking such a question then you obviously do not understand what it involves. I suggest you study more math.I suggest you start by learning integral calculus.

What is regular calculus?

I think by "regular calculus" it is meant simple derivatives and integrations. Regular calculus would be first year calculus probably not including multi-variable calculus or calculus of variations or vector calculus. Wikipedia gives a good explanation of calculus. If you want to sound smart, call it "The Calculus". It is the study of the rate of change (how things change, in relation to other things, often time) In most Universities, regular calculus are the standard analysis of Calculus, concentrating more on the application of it rather than the concept. in comparison is either called "advanced calculus" or in my U, "Honours Calculus" which takes analysis to a whole new level. Both first year course, but the advanced one concentrates on the understanding of concepts, theorems rather than applications alone. It comes in the form of "mathematical proof". Regular Calculus does proofs too, but not as often. --------------------------------------------- Regular calculus is most probably calculus taught in high school or university level, which is simple, mostly single-variable calculus. But then, there are also different calculi called non-Newtonian calculi. These are the non-standard, non-regular calculi, in which different operators are defined. For example, "regular calculus" might mean an additive calculus (where the integral is defined by adding up extremely small pieces), while an integral in multiplicative calculus might involve multiplying infinitely many pieces close to 1.

What is hedonistic calculus?

It is a form of calculation developed by Bentham which considers the amount of pleasure and pain resulting from an action. The sum of the pleasure given to all affected minus the sum of all the pains is a measure of the net "utility" of that action.

Why do you study calculus write its at least five applications?

Integral calculus allows you to determine area under a curve, something that in probability, statistics, and physics finds very important.Calculus is important because of some of the key concepts of integration and differentiation and the countless applications they have, but also the new ideas, and new ways of looking at things.First me have to say that "Calculus" is that branch which deals with the integral calculus e.g. calculation area under the curve and the deferential calculus that deals with the motion calculation, and that all are the part of our practical life. Calculus is deeply integrated with the physical science and such as physics and Bio science, so now we can say that it is more important in every aspects of life some of them we'll here discuss.It is found in computer science, statistics, and engineering; in economics, business, and medicine. Modern developments such as architecture, aviation, and other technologies all make use of what calculus can offer. Graph visualization are also based on that, we can easily graph the function with the help of it. Finding average of function one example is the path of an airplane. Using calculus you can calculate its average cruising altitude, velocity and acceleration.Calculus is a very versatile and valuable tool. It is a form of mathematics which was developed from algebra and geometry. It is made up of two interconnected topics, differential calculus and integral calculus. Finding the Slope of a CurveCalculus can give us a generalized method of finding the slope of a curve. The slope of a line is fairly elementary, using some basic algebra it can be found. Although when we are dealing with a curve it is a different story. Calculus allows us to find out how steeply a curve will tilt at any given time. This can be very useful in any area of study· . Calculate Complicated X-interceptsWithout an idea like the Intermediate Value Theorem it would be exceptionally hard to find or even know that a root existed in some functions. Using Newton's Method you can also calculate an irrational root to any degree of accuracy, something your calculator would not be able to tell you if it wasn't for calculus.· Visualizing GraphsUsing calculus you can practically graph any function or equation you would like. In fact you can find out the maximum and minimum values, where it increases and decreases and much more without even graphing a point, all using calculus.· A function can represent many things. One example is the path of an airplane. Using calculus you can calculate its average cruising altitude, velocity and acceleration. Same goes for a car, bus, or anything else that moves along a path. Now what would you do without a speedometer on your car?· Calculating Optimal ValuesBy using the optimization of functions in just a few steps you can answer very practical and useful questions such as: "You have square piece of cardboard, with sides 1 meter in length. Using that piece of card board, you can make a box, what are the dimensions of a box containing the maximal volume?" These types of problems are a wonderful result of what calculus can do for us.· Physics makes particular use of calculus; all concepts in classical mechanics and electromagnetism are interrelated through calculus. The mass of an object of known density, the moment of inertia of objects, as well as the total energy of an object within a conservative field can be found by the use of calculusSo at the end that branch cover a lot of area of our practical life to overcome them we'd have good knowledge of it.