It is 92/1.
0.8 = 8/10 = 4/5.
To convert a decimal into a fraction, write the decimal number over one like this: .52/1. Next, remove the decimal point and add as many zeroes to the bottom number as there were numbers after the decimal: .52/1 would now be 52/100. The last step is to simplify the fraction: 53/100 = 26/50 = 13/25. The fraction equivalent of .52 is 13/25.
Any fraction can be written in many different ways.For example, 1/2 of a cake is the same amount of cake as 4/8ths, or 8/16ths. 3/4 of 100 dollars is the same as 75/100ths of 100 dollars.We say that 1/2, and 4/8 and 8/16 are equivalent fractions. 3/4 and 75/100 are equivalent too.If you take any fraction and multiply both the top number and the bottom number by the same amount, the fraction means the same as before. It doesn't matter what that amount is, as long as it's the same.This also means that you can divide the top and bottom numbers by the same amount too. 12/18 = 6/9. We divided the top and bottom numbers by 2. But we can divide by 3 as well. 6/9 = 2/3. This is the simplest form we can write the fraction in.So to turn a fraction into its simplest form, you go on dividing the top and bottom numbers by whatever whole number you can until you can't divide any more.90/150 = 9/15 (dividing by 10)9/15 = 3/5 (dividing by 3)So 90/150 in its simplest form is 3/5
3/4 or .75 or 75% that's as basic as it can get im thinking. 3/4. and i think u mean "write" not "right" but idk
repeating decimal 1.1 as a fraction = 10/9
If the decimal is terminating or repeating then it can be written as a fraction. Decimal representations which are non-terminating and non-repeating cannot be expressed as a fraction.
0.72 repeating written as a fraction in simplest form is 8/11
If it's a repeating decimal then as a fraction it is 16/99
Write 12.1 as a fraction In simplest form
Answer = 9/25
0.4687 repeating = 4687/9999
No... you can write it to any number of decimal places.
0.345345 = = 69069/200000
It is: 1/3