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HClO3 (gram-formula mass = 84 g/mol)

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The compound with 42% chlorine by mass is titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4). It has 42% chlorine because the molar mass of chlorine is 35.5 g/mol and the molar mass of TiCl4 is 189.68 g/mol, giving a chlorine mass percentage of 42%.

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Q: In which compound is the percent composition by mass of chlorine equal to 42 percent?
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What does Copper plus Chlorine equal?

Copper plus Chlorine react to form Copper(II) chloride, which is a greenish compound that can be in various forms, such as solid, liquid, or gas, depending on conditions.

What is one atom soduim with one atom of chlorine?

When one atom of sodium combines with one atom of chlorine, they form a molecule of sodium chloride, which is common table salt. This bond is formed through ionic bonding, where sodium loses an electron to chlorine, resulting in the formation of a stable compound. Sodium chloride has an equal number of sodium and chlorine atoms in the compound.

Are properties of sodium chlorine similar to sodium or chlorine?

Sodium chloride has properties that are a combination of sodium and chlorine. It is an ionic compound composed of equal parts sodium cations and chloride anions, resulting in properties that are different from either pure sodium or chlorine. Sodium is a highly reactive metal, while chlorine is a corrosive gas, but when combined in the form of sodium chloride, it forms a stable crystalline structure that is commonly known as table salt.

What is the oxidation of oxygen in ocl- compound?

The oxidation state of oxygen in the OCl- compound is -1. This is because the oxidation state of chlorine is +1 and the overall charge of the ion is -1. So, by assigning chlorine an oxidation state of +1, the oxidation state of oxygen must be -1 to balance the charge.

What is the oxidation number of chlorine in MgCl2?

The oxidation number of chlorine in MgCl2 is -1. Magnesium is a group 2 element with an oxidation number of +2, and since the compound is neutral, the total oxidation number of the two chlorine atoms must equal -2, making the oxidation number of each chlorine atom -1.

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Must sum to 100 percent for all elements in a compound?

Yes, the sum of all elements in a compound must equal 100% because the percentages represent the proportion of each element's mass in the compound based on the total mass. This ensures that we account for all atoms in the compound and adhere to the law of conservation of mass.

What is table salt compound?

Table salt is mainly sodium chloride - a compound with equal parts (in atoms or moles) of sodium and chlorine.

What sodium is in chlorine?

Chlorine is a pure substance, an element. Sodium is a pure substance, an element. Therefore there can be no Sodium IN Chlorine. The two elements can react together in equal proportions to form a new substance, a compound called Table Salt.

What does chlorine chlorine equal?

Copper Chloride

What does Copper plus Chlorine equal?

Copper plus Chlorine react to form Copper(II) chloride, which is a greenish compound that can be in various forms, such as solid, liquid, or gas, depending on conditions.

What is one atom soduim with one atom of chlorine?

When one atom of sodium combines with one atom of chlorine, they form a molecule of sodium chloride, which is common table salt. This bond is formed through ionic bonding, where sodium loses an electron to chlorine, resulting in the formation of a stable compound. Sodium chloride has an equal number of sodium and chlorine atoms in the compound.

Are properties of sodium chlorine similar to sodium or chlorine?

Sodium chloride has properties that are a combination of sodium and chlorine. It is an ionic compound composed of equal parts sodium cations and chloride anions, resulting in properties that are different from either pure sodium or chlorine. Sodium is a highly reactive metal, while chlorine is a corrosive gas, but when combined in the form of sodium chloride, it forms a stable crystalline structure that is commonly known as table salt.

What does magnesium plus chlorine equal?

Magnesium plus chlorine react to form magnesium chloride, a white crystalline compound with the chemical formula MgCl2. This compound is commonly used as a supplement to provide magnesium to the body or as a de-icer for roads and sidewalks.

Are there ever different elements in the same compound?

If you mean can two samples of a chemical compound be different in their composition, the answer is no. If you mean does a chemical compound contain different elemnts then the answer is yes, chemical compounds are always made up of 2 or more different elements. yes. Take salt for example. it is composed of sodium and chlorine in equal parts. for a more complex example, look up Nylon, glucose (sugar), or 2-4-6 Trinitro Toluene (TNT).

What is the chemical composition of table salt?

Salt is an ionic compound formed by the action of an acid on a substance. Equal numbers of sodium and chlorine atoms combine to form salt. Each sodium atom loses an electron, becoming positively charge, and each chlorine atom gains an electron, becoming negatively charged. The equation for salt is: NaCl

What is the oxidation of oxygen in ocl- compound?

The oxidation state of oxygen in the OCl- compound is -1. This is because the oxidation state of chlorine is +1 and the overall charge of the ion is -1. So, by assigning chlorine an oxidation state of +1, the oxidation state of oxygen must be -1 to balance the charge.

What is the oxidation number of chlorine in MgCl2?

The oxidation number of chlorine in MgCl2 is -1. Magnesium is a group 2 element with an oxidation number of +2, and since the compound is neutral, the total oxidation number of the two chlorine atoms must equal -2, making the oxidation number of each chlorine atom -1.