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Water (H20) is a polar covalent molecule with two highly electronegative oxygen atoms. The electronegative oxygen atoms create a dipole moment, and are also cause H20s bent shape.

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located near the oxygen atom and the positive portion located near the hydrogen atoms. This creates a partial positive charge on hydrogen and a partial negative charge on oxygen, making water a polar molecule.

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Q: The water molecule has a dipole with the negative portion?
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Which molecule have permanent dipole moment?

Water (H2O) and ammonia (NH3) are examples of molecules that have a permanent dipole moment due to their asymmetrical molecular geometry. This means they have a positive end and a negative end, leading to an overall dipole moment.

Describe a molecular dipole?

A molecular dipole occurs when there is an uneven distribution of electron density within a molecule, leading to a separation of positive and negative charges. This results in a measurable electric field within the molecule. Water (H2O) is an example of a molecule with a permanent dipole due to its polar nature.

Explain how a water molecule can be attracted to both a positive ion and a negative ion when dissolving an ionic compound?

In the case of dissolving an ionic compound, the positive ion (cation) attracts the partially negative oxygen atom of the water molecule due to its charge, forming a hydrogen bond. Similarly, the negative ion (anion) attracts the partially positive hydrogen atoms of the water molecule, also forming a hydrogen bond. This attraction between water molecules and ions helps to break apart the ionic lattice structure and allows the compound to dissolve in water.

What examples of dipole induced dipole forces?

An example of dipole-induced dipole forces is the interaction between a polar molecule, such as water, and a nonpolar molecule, such as nitrogen. The polar molecule induces a temporary dipole in the nonpolar molecule, creating an attractive force between the two molecules. This type of interaction helps explain why some substances can dissolve in water even if they are nonpolar.

What type of polar molecule has a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other end?

A zwitterion has a formal positive charge at one end of the molecule and a negative one at the other end.

Related questions

What do you mean by Dipole Moment and Induced Dipole Moment?

A dipole moment is a measure of the separation of positive and negative charges in a molecule, indicating the molecule's overall polarity. An induced dipole moment occurs when an external electric field causes the distribution of electron density in a nonpolar molecule to become momentarily asymmetric, creating a temporary dipole moment.

Dipole moment vector of water molecule?

The dipole moment vector of a water molecule points from the partially positive hydrogen atom to the partially negative oxygen atom. This is due to the unequal sharing of electrons in the O-H bonds, resulting in a polar molecule with a net dipole moment. The dipole moment is important for water's unique properties, such as its ability to form hydrogen bonds with other molecules.

Which molecule have permanent dipole moment?

Water (H2O) and ammonia (NH3) are examples of molecules that have a permanent dipole moment due to their asymmetrical molecular geometry. This means they have a positive end and a negative end, leading to an overall dipole moment.

Describe a molecular dipole?

A molecular dipole occurs when there is an uneven distribution of electron density within a molecule, leading to a separation of positive and negative charges. This results in a measurable electric field within the molecule. Water (H2O) is an example of a molecule with a permanent dipole due to its polar nature.

Explain how a water molecule can be attracted to both a positive ion and a negative ion when dissolving an ionic compound?

In the case of dissolving an ionic compound, the positive ion (cation) attracts the partially negative oxygen atom of the water molecule due to its charge, forming a hydrogen bond. Similarly, the negative ion (anion) attracts the partially positive hydrogen atoms of the water molecule, also forming a hydrogen bond. This attraction between water molecules and ions helps to break apart the ionic lattice structure and allows the compound to dissolve in water.

What is an example of dipole dipole?

an example would be an O2 that meets water. The electrons in the O2 molecule all move to the opposite side of each atom, away from the negatively charged Oxygen in H2O, thus leaving a slightly negative charge on the side away from the H2O molecule and a slightly positive charge towards the H2O molecule. The positive attract the negative electrons in the water.

Why is a water molecle polar?

Water is polar due to the two sets of unbound electron pairs on the oxygen molecule which oppose the positivly charged hydrogen. This causes a dipole, a positive and negative end to the molecule.

What type of polar molecule has a positive charge at one end and a negative charge at the other end?

A zwitterion has a formal positive charge at one end of the molecule and a negative one at the other end.

What examples of dipole induced dipole forces?

An example of dipole-induced dipole forces is the interaction between a polar molecule, such as water, and a nonpolar molecule, such as nitrogen. The polar molecule induces a temporary dipole in the nonpolar molecule, creating an attractive force between the two molecules. This type of interaction helps explain why some substances can dissolve in water even if they are nonpolar.

When NaCl is dissolved in water negative end of the water molecules is attracted towards what?

Ion-dipole attraction dictates that the negative pole of a water molecule will be attracted to the sodium cation and the positive pole of a water molecule will be attracted to the chloride anion.

What is an ion-dipole bond?

An ion-dipole bond is a type of intermolecular force that forms between an ion and a polar molecule. The positive or negative charge on the ion interacts with the partial positive or negative charge on the polar molecule, resulting in attraction between the two species. This type of bond is important in solutions where ions are present alongside polar molecules.

Water is a polar molecule because?

Water is a polar molecule because it has a slight negative charge on the oxygen atom and a slight positive charge on the hydrogen atoms due to differences in electronegativity. This uneven distribution of charge creates a dipole moment in the molecule, making it polar.