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A diatomic gas.

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Nitrogen makes up about 78% of Earth's atmosphere.

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Q: What type of gas makes up the highest percentage of air?
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Is nitrogen the gas with the highest percentage by volume in dry air?

Yes. Nitrogen makes up about 78.08% of the air in Earth's atmosphere by volume.

Does nitrogen have the highest percentage by volume in dry air?

yes, it has the highest volume in dry air because it is non reactive

The gas that makes up the largest percentage of the air?

Nitrogen is the gas that makes up the largest percentage of the Earth's atmosphere, composing about 78% of the air we breathe.

Which is represented in the highest percentage by volume in dry air a oxygen b nitrogen c carbon dioxide d hydrogen?

Nitrogen is the gas that is represented in the highest percentage by volume in dry air, at around 78%. Oxygen follows at about 21%, while carbon dioxide and hydrogen are present in much lower percentages.

Which gas in the air that you breathe has the highest percentage?

78.09% Nitrogen by Volume (approx)

What gas is represented in the highest percentage by volume in dry air?

The element Nitrogen has by far the highest % composition of dry air. It is also the highest percentage by volume in wet air. Only the percentage is known (78.09%), because it is impossible to measure the total volume of air as it is constantly changing.

What is the richest source of nitrogen on a mass percentage?

The richest source of nitrogen on a mass percentage is the atmosphere, where it makes up about 78% of the air we breathe. Nitrogen gas (N2) is abundant in the atmosphere but not readily available for use by most organisms in that form.

Which of the following is represented in the highest percentage by volume in dry air 1oxygen 2nitrogen 3carbon dioxide 4hydrogen?

Nitrogen is represented in the highest percentage by volume in dry air, at approximately 78%. Oxygen is the next most abundant gas in the atmosphere, at around 21%. Carbon dioxide is present in a much lower percentage, around 0.04%. Hydrogen is present in trace amounts in the atmosphere.

What gas makes up the largest percentage of the air we inhale?

Nitrogen, close to 80 %.

Oxygen composes approximately what percentage of air we breathe?


Oxygen composes approximately what percentage of the air you breathe?

Oxygen makes up about 21% of the air we breathe. The majority of the air is composed of nitrogen (about 78%).

What percentage of air is argon?

Argon is a little less than 1% of the air.