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Percent by volume. Nitrogen is almost insoluble in blood at normal pressures. Oxygen is replaced by carbon dioxide so % nitrogen stays the same.

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3mo ago

The percentage of nitrogen in the air remains constant when you inhale and exhale because the body does not use nitrogen during respiration. While we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, the nitrogen in the air is not chemically altered or metabolized by the body's processes.

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Q: Why is the percentage of nitrogen the same as when you inhale air and exhale air?
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When you inhale and exhale argon stay the same?

Yes, when you inhale and exhale argon, the amount of argon in your body remains the same. Argon is an inert gas that does not react with other elements in the body, so it is not absorbed or released during breathing.

Explain why levels of nitrogen are why levels of nitrogen are the same in air breathed in as air breathed out?

When we breathe in, we inhale air that contains nitrogen. This nitrogen enters our bloodstream but is not utilized by the body. When we breathe out, the nitrogen is simply released back into the air because our bodies do not extract or alter nitrogen during the breathing process. Therefore, the levels of nitrogen in air breathed in and breathed out remain the same.

How is carbon dioxide and oxygen different?

Carbon dioxide is a waste product produced during respiration and combustion, while oxygen is essential for supporting aerobic respiration and sustaining life. Additionally, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming, while oxygen plays a crucial role in the process of photosynthesis.

Is nitrogen in the same period as phosphorus?

No, nitrogen and phosphorus are not in the same period on the periodic table. Nitrogen is in period 2, while phosphorus is in period 3.

How is nitrogen 14 similar to nitrogen 15?

Nitrogen-14 and nitrogen-15 are both isotopes of nitrogen, meaning they have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. They both belong to the same chemical element and share similar chemical properties. The main difference between them is their atomic mass, with nitrogen-15 having one extra neutron compared to nitrogen-14.

Related questions

Why is the percentage of nitrogen inhale and exhale the same?

The percentage of nitrogen remains the same as the amount of oxygen that was used was replaced by the water vapour and carbon dioxide

When you inhale and exhale argon stay the same?

Yes, when you inhale and exhale argon, the amount of argon in your body remains the same. Argon is an inert gas that does not react with other elements in the body, so it is not absorbed or released during breathing.

Why does the concentrations of nitrogen stay the same when you exhale?

Because no nitrogen is absorbed. N is not needed in respiration.

Does the air we breathe out contains more or less nitrogen?

The air we breathe out contains less nitrogen than the air we breathe in. When we inhale, we take in oxygen and other gases, including nitrogen. When we exhale, we breathe out carbon dioxide, which has replaced some of the nitrogen we inhaled.

How much nitrogen do you inhale?

In air there is 20.98% Oxygen, so that's what we inhale. We exhale 16% of this Oxygen; hence why cardiopulmonary resuscitation is possible.

What uses does the Respiratory System have?

The most common use of the respiratory system is the exchange of gases. When you exhale carbon dioxide, at the same time you inhale oxygen.

Why doesn't the total amount of nitrogen change?

Nitrogen is a key component of the Earth's atmosphere and is continuously recycled through various processes like nitrogen fixation, nitrification, denitrification, and assimilation by living organisms. The total amount of nitrogen remains relatively constant over time due to a balance between these processes.

Do mice inhale and exhale the same ratio of O to CO2 as a human and if not what's a good small animal that can compare?

Yes. they do but rats are often the ones used the most.

Can cats inhale and exhale at the same time?

The normal kind that all animals breathe; a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, argon carbon dioxide and trace amounts of other gases. The air they breath is the same air that you breath; the atmosphere of the planet Earth.

Explain why levels of nitrogen are why levels of nitrogen are the same in air breathed in as air breathed out?

When we breathe in, we inhale air that contains nitrogen. This nitrogen enters our bloodstream but is not utilized by the body. When we breathe out, the nitrogen is simply released back into the air because our bodies do not extract or alter nitrogen during the breathing process. Therefore, the levels of nitrogen in air breathed in and breathed out remain the same.

Can you inhale and exhale at the same time?

No, it is not physically possible to inhale and exhale at the same time. The muscles involved in inhalation and exhalation work in opposite directions, allowing air to flow in and out of the lungs in a continuous cycle.

What are four conditions in the body are related to maintaining homeostasis?

I have the same exact question on my science homework! LOL Either way....... Answer; 1. Inhale 2. Exhale 3. Eating 4. Drinking I'm Pretty Sure these are the answers :)