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because the 100% alcohol is inhibited the protein synthesis but can not reach at the nucleic acid and it create an protective layer out side the cell membrane but 70% alcohol is more aqueous than the 100% alcohol and reaches easily in the whole cell and inhibited the protein synthesis the cell may lead to died thats why only 70%alcohol is used as chemical disinfectant....

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70% alcohol is considered the most effective concentration for disinfecting because it strikes a balance between killing bacteria and viruses while allowing enough time for the alcohol to penetrate the cell walls. Higher concentrations evaporate too quickly, while lower concentrations are less effective at killing microbes. The 70% concentration also helps to denature proteins and disrupt the cell membrane more effectively.

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Q: Why only 70 percent alcohol as disinfectant not more or less concentrated?
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Why 70 percent alcohol is used as disinfectant?

A 70% alcohol solution is effective as a disinfectant because it has the optimal concentration to penetrate bacterial cells and denature proteins, effectively killing them. Higher concentrations of alcohol can evaporate too quickly and be less effective at killing bacteria, while lower concentrations may not be as potent.

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Pure alcohol is far more dangerous than adulterated alcohol because pure alcohol has one hundred percent alcohol in comparison to aldulterated alcohol which is less than 100 percent.

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One percent by weight. Alcohol has a density of less than water, so 1 g of alcohol is more than 1 mL.

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Most whiskeys (rye) are 86 proof. Percent is half that so they are 43% alcohol. When mixed with anything in a drink they become diluted -- less alcohol %

In medicane is alcohol considered a disinfectant?

Yes, if the alcohol has a high enough alcohol has around a 90% potency (180 proof), some times way less can also do good, like a 50% (100 proof) can be effective to disaffectent a wound.

Why is alcohol 70 percent?

Isopropyl rubbing alcohol is usually around 70% (by volume) because this is the optimum concentration for its action as a disinfectant. At lower concentrations it is not as effective. However at higher concentrations its effectiveness declines because of the way in which it works. Alcohol kills cells in the target organisms by causing the coagulation of proteins which it contacts. If very strong alcohol is used then it penetrates the cell wall of the organism and coagulates the proteins which are immediately inside the cell wall and this mass of coagulated protein protects the inner parts of the cell from the alcohol. Then, if conditions improve, the cell can recover. Alcohol which is less concentrated works in the same way but because it coagulates the proteins more slowly, more of the alcohol is able to penetrate deeper into the cell and so is more effective in destroying the cell.

Why is 70 percent isopropyl alcohol more expansive than 40 percent isopropyl alcohol?

It is difficult and expensive to refine anything to 100% purity. Best to use 70% as it is just as effective and cost a whole lot less.

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Does miller 64 have less alchol than other beers?

Yes, it has much less alcohol, only 2.8 percent.

If i add 40 percent alcohol plus 7 percent alcohol is it more alcohol?

More than what The final alcohol content would be somewhere between 40% and 7% alcohol by volume depending on how much of each you have. To answer the question, the resulting solution would be less alcoholic than the 40% and more alcoholic than the 7%.

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What is a term used for a less concentrated solution?

A DILUTE solution is the usual terminology for a less concentrated solution.