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The following is a list of the basic Roman numerals: * I - one * V - five * X - ten * L - fifty * C - hundred * D - five hundred * M - one thousand For numbers larger than 4000, a bar is placed over the Roman Numeral to indicate a multiple of a thousand, starting with V. For example a bar over the V would be five thousand. For more info see:

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Q: What are all of the Roman numerals for the alphabet and its values?
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How do you write a to z in roman numerals?

Letters are not numbers. Not all letters in the alphabet represent Roman numerals though some letters do.

Do all clock towers have Roman numerals?

Many do, but not all clock towers use roman numerals.

Are there any Roman Alphabets in New York?

The English language is written with the Latin alphabet (incorrectly called the Roman alphabet). This alphabet can be seen all over New York, and all over the U.S.

What country do roman numerals are used in?

As all United States issued paper currency contains Roman numerals, and such currency is traded worldwide, it is safe to say that nearly all countries use Roman numerals. However, there are no countries or cultures alive today which use Roman numerals for counting or math on a day-to-day basis.

How does the Phoenician alphabet influence the world in the future?

The letter in the Phonecian alphabet were the base upon which the Greek alphabet was built. From the greek alphabet, the roman alphabet was formed. The ancient roman alphabet are the letters used in Latin, and all of the Romance languages (English, Frensh, Spanish, Italian, ect.) '

What is 18.10.91 in roman numerals?

Xviii.x.lxxxxi. All in capital letters.

Why were roman numerals invented?

Necessity is the mother of all inventions and Roman numerals were needed in the past just for the same reasons that we still need numbers today.

What is it called when a different language is written with English alphabet?

The English Language uses the Roman Alphabet. Normally it is not noted when another language is written using the Roman Alphabet. Sometimes it is noted when referring to the Romanian Language. In Romania, the Roman Alphabet is used. In Moldavia, the Cyrillic Alphabet is used for the same language. Since all Western European Languages, except for Greek, use the Roman Alphabet, normally no one mentions it.

What year is mlmcv?

By the medieval rules for roman numerals (the ones that say IV is a different number from VI), that's a nonsense combination. By traditional roman rules (add up all the values no matter what order they appear in) it's 2155.

Is there a roman numeral for 2786?

All numbers can be written in roman numerals. 2786 is written as MMDCCLXXXVI.

What is 1311 as a numerals?

1311 is already in numerals but if you mean as in Roman numerals then they are MCCCXI

What did Romans use Roman Numerals for?

Romans used Roman numerals as their form of numbers. Romans needed Roman Numerals because they needed numbers to count, tell time, and do other things in life that involved numbers. Roman numerals were used because they could all be scribed using a flat chisel i.e X I V M.