The million dollar bill was purely a novelty item, never made by the government. The highest denomination is $100,000.
The Canadian two-dollar coin has a polar bear on its reverse side. The obverse side has a portrait of Queen Elizabeth. This bill is called the toonie.
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Ben Franklin is on the front of the one-hundered dollar bill and Independence hall is on the reverse side.
$100 bill It's also on the reverse side of the bicentennial half dollar coin.
William McKinley was on the $500 bill for 1928, 1934, and 1934A
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The eye on the U. S. dollar bill is called The Eye of Providence and is often interpreted to mean the eye of God watching over humanity. It appears on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States. In 1935 both sides of the Great Seal were added to the reverse side of the one dollar bill.
On the reverse side of the coin under the DO in DOLLAR.
The eagle is the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States. The pyramid is the reverse side of the Seal.
The eagle is the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States. The pyramid is the reverse side of the Seal.
Thomas Jefferson is on the front of a United States two-dollar bill. On the reverse side is John Trumball's painting The Signing of the Declaration of Independence.