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Q: What defines conventional explosice weapon that is capable of a high order of destruction or used in a manner to kill or injure large numbers of people?
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Which of these best defines any conventional explosive weapon that is capable of a high order of destruction or used in a manner to kill or injure large numbers of people?

high yield explosive

Which of the best defines any conventional explosive weapon that is capable of a high order of destruction or used in a manner to kill or injure large numbers of people?

High Yield Explosive

Which of these best defines any conventional explosive weapon that that is capable of a high order of destruction or used in a manner to kill or injury large numbers of people?

High Yield Explosive

Which of these best defines any connventional explosive weapon that is capable of a high order of destruction or used in a manner to kill or injure large numbers of people?

high yield explosive

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Organizational structure refers to the method that an organization arranges employee to increase the productivity and achieve the organization goals. It defines the task, responsibilities, work roles and relationship, and channel of communication.

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A U.N. Treaty defines genocide as the destruction of "a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group" so many more people are killed by genocide.

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