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She lives in Alanta Georgia. Workin for a radio station called project 961

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14y ago

she went on to be a rock star

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Q: What happened to lita?
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What happened to Kane after he lost both his child and lita?

It was all fake. Lita and Glenn "Kane" Jacobs was never in a relationship, and lita was never prego by him.

What ever happened to lita ford?

Lita Ford is currently doing work for the charity Toys For Tots. She is paired with her former Runaways bandmate Cherie Currie.

What are the lyrics to mnohaya lita?

Mnohaya lita Mnohaya lita Mnohaya, mnohaya lita Mnohaya lita Mno-o-ohaya lita Mnohaya, mnohaya lita Mno-mno-mno-haya lita Mno-mno-mno-haya lita Mno-mno-mno-haya lita My vsim bazhayemo Mnohaya lita lita Mnohaya lita lita Mnohaya lita lita Mnohaya lita lita Mnohaya lita lita Mnohaya lita lita

What are the couple Edge and Lita famous for?

Edge and Lita are retired pro wrestlers for WWE. They were most famous for a supposedly real, 'live' sex scene that happened in the middle of the ring on Monday Night Raw.

What is the birth name of Lita Richardson?

Lita Richardson's birth name is Lita Spencer.

Why do the fans chant You Screwed Matt to Lita?

Because Lita cheated on Matt with Edge... In REAL life... So I guess they take it upon themselves to chant that. Basically Matt and Amy (Lita) broke up because of Adam (Edge), who happened to have a wife of six months. Because Lita screwed him.She cheated on him with Edge,the little sl... I won't finish that sentence.

How tall is Lita Baron?

she is as tall as me

Did lita leave on pourpouse?

Clarify: Who is "Lita"?

Where does lita come from?

LITA CAME FROM HER MOTHERHAHAHA That Was So Funny . You DA. Lita Is From Sanford North Carolina

What is the birth name of Lita Roza?

Lita Roza's birth name is Lilian Patricia Lita Roza.

Stone cold and lita?

What about Stone Cold and Lita, Did they do it....Did they what!!!!!

Why did the hardy boys an lita break up?

The reason why Lita broke up with th hardy boys was because Lita was not trustworthy to Matt and Matt thought Lita was cheating on him and he was right. Lita and Matt were in a relationship that Jeff knew about.