The uniform worn by kendoka is called a "kendogi" (剣道着), "keikogi" (稽古着) or simply "dogi" (道着). The bottom section is called a hakama (袴) and the top is the actual gi.
They are used as weapons and the kendo sticks are "baboo swords" and shillelagh is a top half of a hand stick that's the simplist way to explain.
There is an outfit that you have to pay with Station Cash called the 'Hula Girl' outfit. If you just want the top, you'll have to click on the top. Then buy it with your Station Cash... if you can afford it.
Belive it or not it's called Woven top and Shorts. You can buy it in the Grand Exchange.
In Taverley, kill the druids for the top and bottom, they are called Druid Robe Top and Druid bottoms.
A motto outfit is where one person wheres the same outfit as in top and bottom, there both the same. ect: Cowboy top, cowboy pants, clown top, clown plants
No .
If asking a question, "Are jeans and a top your favorite outfit? (or possibly 'dress' for 'outfit,' in the king's English) If making a statement, "Jeans and a top is your favorite outfit." With the same caveat.
The numerator. The bottom is called the denominator.
Northern Hemisphere.
you go to dress up on the top menu and click create outfit