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The gross tonnage calculation is defined in Regulation 3 of Annex 1 of The International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969. It is based on two variables, and ultimately a one-to-one function of ship volume:

  • V, the ship's total volume in cubic meters (m3), and
  • K, a multiplier based on the ship volume.
The value of the multiplier K varies in accordance with a ship's total volume (in cubic meters) and is applied as a kind of reduction factor in determining the gross tonnage value - which does not have a unit such as cubic meters or tons. For smaller ships, K is smaller, for larger ships, K is larger. K ranges from 0.22 to 0.32 and is calculated with a formula which uses the common or base-10 logarithm:

K = 0.2 + 0.02 x log 10 (V)

Once V and K are known, gross tonnage is calculated using the formula, whereby GT is a function of V:

GT = K x V

As an example, we can calculate the gross tonnage of a ship with 10,000 m^3 total volume.

K = 0.2 + 0.02 x log 10 (10,000) = 0.2 + 0.02 x 4 = 0.2 + 0.08 = 0.28

Then the gross tonnage is calculated:

0.28 x 10,000 = 2800 GT
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What is the tonnage?

it is the expession given in terms of volume for the total capacity of vessel(gross tonnage) and for the cargo carrying capacity (net tonnage).

How do you convert a gross ton to net ton?

To convert gross tonnage to net tonnage, you subtract the deduction of spaces from the gross tonnage value. This deduction typically includes non-cargo spaces like crew quarters, machinery spaces, and navigational equipment. The resulting value is the net tonnage of the vessel.

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Gross register tonnage (GRT) represents the total internal volume of a vessel.

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Under international shipping regulations for manning levels, safety rules and registration fees, the unit of measurement of a ship's size is its GROSS TONNAGE.Gross tonnage is calculated by measuring the ship's volume from keel to funnel to the outside of its hull and applying a mathematical formula. Gross tonnage is different to a ship's deadweight tonnage, displacement tonnage or net tonnage and is in effect the moulded volume of enclosed spaces on board the vessel.

What does gross tonnage on a ship mean?

Gross Tonnage (GT) refers to the volume of all ship's enclosed spaces (from keel to funnel) measured to the outside of the hull framing. Net tonnage (NT) is based on a calculation of the volume of all cargo spaces of the ship. It indicates a vessel's earning space and is a function of the moulded volume of all cargo spaces of the ship.

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46,328 gross register tons

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The biggest ocean freight ship is the CMA CGM Jules Verne. The Jules Verne was built in 2013, has a maximum TEU of 16020, and a maximum gross tonnage of 153,022.

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The Gross register tonnage of Titanic was 46,328.

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The numerical value is 66332.

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