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The chasis number on a car can be found most likely close to the engine, on the body frame. It depends on the make or brand.

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Q: Where is d chassis number on a car?
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How much characters does the chassis number on a car has?

the chassis or vin number on newer cars have 17 digits

Where can you find out a chassis number of a car with the registration number?

do you mean the chassis no. or the vin no.? you can find the chassis no. with the vin. but not with the you can find the vin. with the

Find out a car registration number using the chassis number?

You can not find a car registration number using the chassis number. You can only identify it by using the VIN, or vehicle identification number.

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the chassis no is in your UK registration certificate witch comes with the car.. James

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Under the oil filter

What does a chassis do?

The chassis is the frame of the car.

What is the difference between the chassis no and engine no?

Chassis is the base frame of the car and so chessis number is the the manufacturing number bearing the frame and engine number is the unique number provided by the manufacturer for the engine.

Should all 2001 Golfs have a chassis number on the windscreen?

The chassis, or VIN number, is on the car behind the windscreen. Around the windscreen is a ceramic frit, or obscuration band, which will have a 'chassis view' or VIN notch/window enabling the chassis/VIN to be viewed. HTH

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