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Tree Topology allows for the expansion of an existing network

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Q: Does a tree topology allow for the expansion of an existing network?
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Network topology will allow all devices to continue to communicate with each other should a network cable fail?

Yes...depending on the type of topology.

What is active topology in network?

The Active topology functionally allow you to make element inactive (and chnage them back active again).

Which network topology will allow all devices to continue to communicate with each other should a network cable fail?


Which network topology will allow all devices to continue to communicate with each other should a network cable fail A bus B extended star C mesh D ring E star?

Only a Mesh will allow every node to continue to work on a network if one cable does down. In a Star topology, however, only the computer the cable was connected to would lose contact with the network.

What is ring topology?

the ring topology is a network within which all computer are connected like in a circle. The ring topology data transmission is depending on a token. it's a programme given to a computer to allow it to communicate with others computers. it's useful but if one computer goes down, the topology is down too.

What topology includes each computer having a dedicated line to all other computers?

All common topologies allow for computers to be arranged in a physical line.

Why do railway lines have gaps in them?

to allow for the thermal expansion or contraction

How do you connect your router to an existing network if I have say an open network and I want my own private off shoot How do I make a WIFI network using an existing network wirelessly?

You have couple of choices. First is to connect your router to existing network using a cable. And then configure secured wireless network using your router settings. Second is to connect using Bridge configuration. You might run in problems with Bridge due to compatibility issues. You even will have change firmware to DD-WRT (if your router is compatible). Once you set Bridge then you go to router settings and configure secured wireless. And here you might run in problems too because you are basically extending non-secured network in a secured. A lot of routers will not allow you to do that.

One end of a steel bridge is not fixed to provide for expansion?

to allow for expansion and contraction

What is a chain communication network?

A daisy chain network is a way to describe a network topology whereby one computer is connected directly to a second, which in turn is connected to a third, which in turn is connected to a fourth, etc. Thinnet and phonenet are examples of this type of technology. These days, it is extremely uncommon to come across such a network. Chain networks allow people to look at the big picture; giving them a better understanding of the flow of materials and information.

What is the perpose of a expansion slot on a motherboard?

Dictionary: expansion - noun The act or process of expanding In this case you are expanding the capability of your motherboard. Though you didn't mention what type of expansion slot. ISA, PCI, PCI-E or AGP? These ports allow you to add more graphics cards, extra communication ports, network ports, flash memory boards, extra sata/scsi/ide controllers.

Why there are spaces between bridges?

To allow for expansion and contraction.