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Q: What happens when a bus topology wire fails?
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What happend when a station is disconnected from a bus topology?

the rest of the network is unaffected but if a channel fails then the whole network fails.

If a fails in a bus topology it doesn't affect data transfer on the rest of the network?


What was the advantage of replacing a physical bus topology with a physical star topology using hubs?

The advantage is in fault detection; in a bus topology any break in any wire segment would cause the entire LAN to fail. With a star topology, a break in any wire segment only affects the one client connected to the network.

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Bus topology is the most popular topology justify?

Bus topology is the most popular topology. Justify.

If a computer fails in a bus topology it doesn't affect data transfer on the rest of the network?

No, within a bus topology, the client PC's are indepentent of each other. So if PC 1 fails, PC 2 will still be connected to the server. But, PC 2 won't be able to get data/information from PC 1.

What network topology connects to a trunk cable?

Bus Topology.

What is the fastest topology?

bus topology

In bus topology if ends are not conected then what happens?

If the ends of a bus topology network are not terminated then you will get 'signal bounce'. This will cause all packets to collide with each other, and the net effect is that the network is unusable.

How can bus topology extend?

Bus topology is extended via the use of repeaters.

Discuss the consequences if a connection fails in a bus topology?

Any connection failure in a bus topology will result in the network becoming unusable due to signal bounce in the affected cable.

What is the fastest Network Topology?

bus topology