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Yes, GDB can debug itself.

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Q: Can gdb debug itself
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How can you debug a C program in Unix?

You can debug C programs using gdb on Unix.

How can you trace the execution of a program in CC?

If your question is: 'how to debug in linux', then the answer:1. compile and link with debug information (option -g)2. load the program with the debugger: gdb ./myprog3. enter the following commands at the (gdb) prompt:break main | linenumber | functionrun argumentss[tep]n[ext]

How do you debug a program that is already running?

Assuming that you have written a program named abc.c and created executable abc. Steps: 1. run your program from command line ./abc 3. get the PID processid of the program from PS aux | grep abc 3. start the gdb from command line 4. type following command on GDB prompt (gdb) attach PID where PID = your program's processid got from step 1.

Full form for GDB?

GNU DeBugger

What is gdb?

GDB stands for the GNU Debugger. This is a file that is a debugger for the operation system GNU. It can be used on other systems as well.

In regards to computers what does GDB stand for?

In computer terminology GDB means GNU Debugger. Its a program that if installed on a computer will look for and remove bugs from the operating system.

What are used for core dump analysis?

a core dump is a snap shot of the memory when the program hung or crashed. it usually contains details like the program counter the stack pointer the program state etc. On a unix like machine the core dump can be used to debug the errors and the tool used is GDB

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Enumerate the 10 commands in debug?

At the programed of the Dos , I can give you example . Exp: requires the debug then, debug : a then we can see OAEA : 0100 so. the( a ) is a command in debug - sattam al-enazi