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To formulate the shortest path problem as a linear program, you can assign variables to represent the decision of which paths to take, and set up constraints to ensure that the total distance or cost of the chosen paths is minimized. The objective function would be to minimize the total distance or cost, and the constraints would include ensuring that the chosen paths form a valid route from the starting point to the destination. This linear program can then be solved using optimization techniques to find the shortest path.

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Q: How can one formulate the shortest path problem as a linear program?
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When does infeasibility occur in a linear programming problem?

Infeasibility occurs in a linear programming problem when there is no solution that satisfies all the constraints simultaneously.

What is the strong duality proof for linear programming problems?

The strong duality proof for linear programming problems states that if a linear programming problem has a feasible solution, then its dual problem also has a feasible solution, and the optimal values of both problems are equal. This proof helps to show the relationship between the primal and dual problems in linear programming.

What is the formulation of the minimum cut linear program and how is it used in network flow optimization problems?

The minimum cut linear program is a mathematical model used to find the smallest set of edges that, when removed from a network, disconnects it into two separate parts. This model is used in network flow optimization problems to determine the most efficient way to route flow through a network by identifying the bottleneck edges that limit the flow capacity.

What is error estimation?

Error estimation involves figuring out the number of errors in a program. This calculation is used not only for computers but also for some equations in math like linear equations.

What are the common challenges faced in solving linear programming problems and what are the effective solutions to address them?

Common challenges in solving linear programming problems include complexity in formulating the problem, difficulty in interpreting the results, and limitations in available resources. Effective solutions to address these challenges include breaking down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts, utilizing software tools for analysis, and optimizing resource allocation to maximize efficiency.

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the phenomenon of obtaining a degenerate basic feasible solution in a linear programming problem known as degeneracy.

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